The Robotics Institute

RI | Centers | CFR | Seminar

Foundations of Robotics Seminar, May 27, 2009
Time and Place | Seminar Abstract

A Language for Large Ensembles of Independently Executing Nodes

Michael Ashley-Rollman

Carnegie Mellon University - Computer Science



Time and Place

NSH 1507
Talk 4:30 pm




We address how to write programs for distributed computing systems in which the network topology can change dynamically. Examples of such systems, which we call ensembles, include modular robotics systems, whose physical configuration can be rearranged under program control. We present Meld, a logic programming language that allows an ensemble to be viewed as a single computing system. The compiler automatically handles the details of coordinating the individual modules. We have successfully written correct, efficient, and complex programs for ensembles containing over one million modules.




The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.