The Robotics Institute

RI | Centers | CFR | Seminar

Foundations of Robotics Seminar, November 8, 2011
Time and Place | Seminar Abstract

Motion planning and optimal control of robotic systems: reconfigurable spacecraft and aerial vehicles

Marin Kobilarov
Control and Dynamic Systems

California Institute of Technology


Time and Place

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
GHC 2109
Talk 4:30 pm



The talk examines challenges in the motion control of autonomous systems operating in constrained environments. We discuss two applications under development: autonomous reconfiguration of distributed spacecraft subject to orbital environment constraints; unmanned ground and aerial robotic vehicles navigating optimally through an obstacle terrain. Improved computational theory and control algorithms required for such systems, and more generally for nonlinear control systems found in robotics and aerospace, will be discussed. Simulating and optimizing their motion is addressed in terms of geometric computational optimal control methods on manifolds. An algorithmic optimization framework for systems with symmetries such as rigid multi-body assemblies and robotic locomotion systems is developed. In addition, the complexity of high-dimensional systems operating among environmental obstacles, is addressed in terms of random sampling methods for global motion planning. In addition to standard state space sampling-based we employ adaptive sampling in trajectory space by optimally exploiting the collected information about the problem. This new approach to the control of complex systems results in not only the ability to quickly find a feasible solution but to find an approximately optimal one with high probability. We will show promising ongoing application of these algorithms to autonomous vehicles.




Marin Kobilarov is a post-doctoral fellow in Control and Dynamical Systems at Caltech and is affiliated with the Keck Institute for Space Studies. He is interested in computational control methods that exploit the geometric structure of nonlinear dynamics, and approximation methods for optimization and motion planning. He develops autonomous vehicles with applications in robotics and aerospace.


The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.