16-299: Introduction to Feedback Control Systems
Spring 2025
Instructor: Chris Atkeson,
cga@cmu.edu, Youtube channel
TA: Krishna Suresh,
ksuresh2@andrew.cmu.edus, Introducing myself
TA Office hours: TBA
Class time: MW 11-12:20PM
Place: WEH 5415
Units: 12
Sign up for Piazza
We are revising this course to better fit the new Robotics Major.
The new title and course description will be.
Making Decisions: Robot Control, Planning, and Learning
This undergraduate robotics course covers the fundamental concepts of feedback control and planning algorithms for robotics. The course presents a unified approach to feedback control/policy design, optimal control, planning, and reinforcement learning. Topics include robot dynamics, PID control, LQR control, state estimation including Kalman filters, insight from frequency domain techniques, path planning algorithms such as A* and Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (RRT), dynamic programming, and reinforcement learning. Students will gain practical experience in designing and implementing feedback control and planning both in simulation and on a real system. The course includes lectures, assignments, work with a real robot, and a project. By the end of the course, students will have a strong foundation in feedback control and planning algorithms for robotics, including reinforcement learning, and have gained insight into how to make decisions and choose actions.
7th Starship test flight: Jan 15, 5 ET?
Webcast begins 35 minutes before launch, at 4:35 ttET.
The booster may attempt a "catch" landing.
The Starship will land in the Indian Ocean.
Of Interest
K.J. Astrom and R.M. Murray, Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, (2nd ed.) PDF is available on the web.
There is a second book I urge you to read and the PDF is available from the CMU library:
Feedback Control for Everyone
Jan 13:
Atkeson introduction. Atkeson Youtube channel.
Go over class web page
Introduction to the course:
How would you program the SpaceX rockets?
Intuition and a useful mental model:
Springs and dampers, natural frequency, damping ratio
Examples: Thermostat, body temperature, breathing, blood pressure, gaze, driving (direction, cruise control), rockets (including landing), game-playing (alpha-zero), ...
Assignment 0
Assignment 1
CGA Lecture 1
Read Textbook: Chapter 1 - Introduction
Jan 15:
Matlab example.
Genesis simulator
Jan 22:
Models, states, actions/controls,
continuous and discrete time dynamics functions,
What do you want? Goals/optimization_functions/rewards, and control laws/policies.
CGA Lecture 2
Jan 27:
What is a plan?
Indexing on state or time (you can include time as an element of the state).
Compare to using state feedback to implement a plan.
Open loop whipping
Feedforward control.
When do we need feedback?
Paddle juggling w/ vision,
Paddle juggling w/ vision 10 years later,
Rizzi paddle juggling,
3 ball blind paddle juggling
Jan 29:
The state space approach:
CGA Lecture 4
Read Textbook: Chapter 6 - Linear Systems
Feb 3: Build our lab robots. Bring laptop. Try to install Arduino IDE in advance.
Feb 5:
How does the robot work (sensors, motors, motor drivers, computer).
Time domain/state space modeling.
CGA Lecture 10
Feb 10:
Thinking in the frequency domain.
CGA Lecture 9
How do we actually collect data from the robot?
Unfortunately I have come down with some kind of stomach flu, so 16-299 will be on
this week.
Meeting ID 977 8542 1025
Passcode 377373
Feb 12:
State-estimation, Linear State Observers: Observability; Observer derivation and design, Kalman Filters
CGA Lecture 6
Read Textbook: Chapter 8 - Output Feedback
We continue to be on
Meeting ID 977 8542 1025
Passcode 377373
Feb 17: Lab 1
Feb 19: Unifying ideas: enumerating and evaluating options,
forward search, how computers play games,
value/heuristic functions,
dynamic programming.
Feb 24:
Linear State Feedback: Eigenvalues;
Linear Quadratic Regulators (LQR)
CGA Lecture 5
Read Textbook: Chapter 7 - State Feedback
This would make a great project!
Feb 26: Optimization:
kinematics example.
Redundant inverse kinematics:
Unconstrained optimization: Using Matlab's fminsearch and fminunc.
Unconstrained optimization with soft constraints: Using Matlab's fminsearch and fminunc, with
desired posture.
Constrained optimization: Using Matlab's fmincon.
CGA Lecture 8
Mar 10: Optimization continued. Learning kinematics.
Feb ?: More feedback and feedforward control
Integral control.
Learning feedforward control from practice.
CGA Lecture 7
CGA Lecture 8
CGA Lecture 12
Dynamic Programming
To be scheduled.
April 21: Project presentations
April 23: Project presentations
May 5 - Graduating students have to have turned everything in.
May 11 - All students have to have turned everything in.
What you see are previous year's topics.
Unit 0: Intuition, PID
Unit I: State Space
Unit II: Frequency Domain Previous year's notes
Read Textbook: Chapter 2 - Feedback Principles
Mathematical models: ODEs, diff. equations, and transfer functions.
Previous year's notes.
Conceptual overview, complex variables
Transfer Functions: frequency response, linearity
Read Textbook: Chapter 9 - Transfer Functions
Complex Plane Intuition: 2nd order systems, moving poles with P and D
Read Textbook: Chapter 10 - Frequency Domain Analysis
Frequency Domain Design
Read Textbook: Chapter 12 - Frequency Domain Design
Integral Control: steady state error rejection, benefits of added state
Unit III: Nonlinear Systems
Nonlinear EOMs, eq. points, and linearization.
Revisit ODE models, attractors (equilibrium points), saddle points, repellers, and stability;
Dynamic programming
Nonlinear Stability: Lyapunov methods: introduction and simple cases.
Read Textbook: Chapter 5 - Dynamic Behavior
Previous year's notes
Trajectory Following: pure pursuit, tubes: linearization about a trajectory;
Unit IV: Additional topics: class suggests more and decides which to talk about.
System identification
Adaptive control
Optimal control and reinforcement learning, dynamic programming
Robust control
Read Textbook: Chapter 13 - Robust Performance
Fundamental limits
Read Textbook: Chapter 14 - Fundamental Limits
Architecture (top-down, bottom-up), system, and control design, interaction
Adaptation, Learning and Cognition
Textbook: Chapter 15 - Architecture and System Design
Hybrid systems (Discrete and continuous states)
Case studies: class suggests more and decides which to talk about.
Textbook: Chapter 3, 4, and 15
scribbled models from previous years
Inverted pendulums: the ballbot, rocket control and landing
Vehicle Modeling: kinematic models, nonholonomic constraints;
UAVs - equations of motion, decomposition, differential flatness, architecture, trajectory planning, controller design
Running and walking
Assignment 0: Due Jan 25.
Send email to Chris and the TA:
Who are you? Why are you here?
Done any control (in simulation or on physical machines)?
Any ideas about the project you want to do? ("I don't know what project
I want to do." is okay.)
What topics would you like the course to cover?
Google and send us some interesting URLs. What example of control really
impressed you (Boston Dynamics Atlas jumping around, SpaceX landing rockets
on a barge, ...; send URLs of web pages or videos)? Are there other versions of this course at other places
or useful web pages
we should look at (send URLs)?
Be sure your name is obvious in the email, and you mention the course
name or number in the subject line.
I teach more than one course, and a random email from
robotlover@cs.cmu.edu is hard for us to process.
Assignment 1: Due Jan 21.
Get access to MATLAB. Download these Matlab examples. Play with the example mass-kb-manual by changing the stiffness and damping.
Nothing to turn in.
Assignment 2: Due Jan 28.
Assignment 2
Assignment 3: Due March 11.
Assignment 3
More later.
We will work out the project topics together.
The ideal project would involve modeling and controlling a real physical system.
It would be cool to have a learning component.
Second best is doing everything in simulation.
We can help you buy a real physical system, if we don't have what you want already.
We can help you get access to robots.
See the deadlines in the schedule (above).
You can work in groups or alone.
The "deliverables" include
a web page along the lines of an
instructables web page
explaining how others could do your project and improve on your results.
You will also present your project, and ideally the presentation should
be made public as part of your web page. There will be intermediate
deliverables including draft web pages and practice presentations.
More Resources