16-299: Introduction to Feedback Control Systems
Spring 2025
Instructor: Chris Atkeson, cga@cmu.edu, Youtube channel
TA: Krishna Suresh, ksuresh2@andrew.cmu.edus, Introducing myself
TA Office hours: TBA
Class time: MW 11-12:20PM
Place: WEH 5415
Units: 12

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We are revising this course to better fit the new Robotics Major. The new title and course description will be. Making Decisions: Robot Control, Planning, and Learning

This undergraduate robotics course covers the fundamental concepts of feedback control and planning algorithms for robotics. The course presents a unified approach to feedback control/policy design, optimal control, planning, and reinforcement learning. Topics include robot dynamics, PID control, LQR control, state estimation including Kalman filters, insight from frequency domain techniques, path planning algorithms such as A* and Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (RRT), dynamic programming, and reinforcement learning. Students will gain practical experience in designing and implementing feedback control and planning both in simulation and on a real system. The course includes lectures, assignments, work with a real robot, and a project. By the end of the course, students will have a strong foundation in feedback control and planning algorithms for robotics, including reinforcement learning, and have gained insight into how to make decisions and choose actions.

Last year's course

Course administration and policies


7th Starship test flight: Jan 15, 5 ET?
Webcast begins 35 minutes before launch, at 4:35 ttET. The booster may attempt a "catch" landing. The Starship will land in the Indian Ocean.


Of Interest



K.J. Astrom and R.M. Murray, Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, (2nd ed.) PDF is available on the web.

There is a second book I urge you to read and the PDF is available from the CMU library: Feedback Control for Everyone





We will work out the project topics together. The ideal project would involve modeling and controlling a real physical system. It would be cool to have a learning component. Second best is doing everything in simulation. We can help you buy a real physical system, if we don't have what you want already. We can help you get access to robots.

See the deadlines in the schedule (above). You can work in groups or alone. The "deliverables" include a web page along the lines of an instructables web page explaining how others could do your project and improve on your results. You will also present your project, and ideally the presentation should be made public as part of your web page. There will be intermediate deliverables including draft web pages and practice presentations.

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