16-745: Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning
Spring 2020, TT 4:30-5:50 GHC 4303
Instructor: Chris Atkeson, cga@cmu.edu
TA: Ramkumar Natarajan rnataraj@cs.cmu.edu, Office hours Thursdays 6-7 Robolounge NSH 1513

Events of Interest


Items of Interest

DeepMind researchers introduce hybrid solution to robot control problems

Ubisoft Builds New AI Algorithm that Uses Reinforcement Learning to Teach Driving to Itself, another article.

Ancestry turned to AI to bring down cloud costs

Course Description

Last year's course



The project will involve performing a substantial dynamic optimization, and writing a paper about it. The writeup is as important as the programming (if not more so) and will be in the format of a conference paper (more on that later). Those of you who already have a dynamic optimization problem you are working on for your research should work on that (subject to the Professor's approval). Another option is to work on the problem or algorithm described below (subject to the Professor's approval).

Project suggestions