16-745: Dynamic Optimization
Spring 2011
Instructor: Chris Atkeson, cga at cmu
MW 3-4:20 NSH 3002
Events of Interest
Resources and Readings
Jan 10: Introduction to the course.
Jan 12: Formulating trajectory optimization as function optimization.
Examples of formulating a trajectory optimization problem
as a function optimization problem:
Case Studies In Trajectory Optimization: Trains, Planes, And Other
Robert J. Vanderbei
Example use of AMPL
A free trial version of AMPL is available from here.
AMPL is also available for remote use through the Neos Server.
Click on SNOPT/[AMPL Input] under Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization.
Example use of Matlab
Jan 17: MLK holiday.
Jan 19:
Function optimization using
first and
order gradient methods.
A nice chapter on function optimization techniques:
Numerical Recipes in C, chapter 10
(2nd or 3rd edition, 2nd edition is electronically available for free
under Obsolete Versions):
Minimization or Maximization of Functions,
This material from any other numerical methods book is also fine.
Numerical Recipes,
software list 1,
software guide,
gradient method,
line search,
conjugate gradient,
conjugate gradient v2,
quasi-Newton/variable metric methods, and
Newton's method.
Jan 19: Ways to robustify function optimization:
Problems: local minima, discontinuities, redundant/rank deficient constraints,
bad scaling, no formulas for derivatives,
Techniques: Levenberg Marquardt,
Trust regions,
scaling and preconditioning, regularize parameters, soft constraints,
line search, sparse methods,
Jan 24: Constraints.
Lagrange Multipliers.
Jan 24: Non-gradient optimization methods:
hill climbing
local search,
local unimodal sampling,
pattern search,
random search,
random optimization),
Nelder Mead/Simplex/Amoeba method,
simulated annealing,
fit surfaces (for example
Response Surface Methodology (RSM),
Memory-based Stochastic Optimization, and
evolutionary algorithms,
and ...
Jan 26: Use of splines in trajectory optimization.
Cubic Hermite spline.
Need paper reference.
Jan 26: Sequential quadratic programming.
Witkin paper text
Witkin paper figures
Jan 26: Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy.
See also Hansen web page.
Example of use.
Jan 31 - Feb. 9: Policy optimization I: Use function optimization.
Known in machine learning/reinforcement learning as policy search, policy refinement, policy gradient, ...
Feb. 7: No class
Feb. 9-23: Dynamic Programming.
Bellman equation,
Linear Quadratic Regulator,
Differential Dynamic Programming,
Feb. 16: Anca Dragan CHOMP and goal sets.
Feb. 28: trajectory optimization based on integrating the dynamics:
calculus of variations,
Euler-Lagrange equation,
Pontryagin's minimum principle,
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation,
costate equations,
shooting methods,
multiple shooting methods,
Mar. 2: SeungJoon Lee Airfoil optimization.
Mar. 2: Model Predictive Control (MPC), (a.k.a. receding horizon control).
Mar. 7. 9: No class
Mar. 14: Robustness
Be robust to random disturbances, varying initial conditions, parametric
model error, high frequency unmodelled dynamics,
and model jumps (touchdown and liftoff during walking, for example).
Monte Carlo trajectory/policy optimization.
Mar. 16: Dual Control.
Information state DP.
Simple example.
Mar. 21: Uncertainty Propagation
Gaussian Propagation (like Kalman Filter),
Unscented (like Unscented Filter), Second Order Kalman Filter (See Kendrick).
Mar. 23: Local Approaches to Dual Control/Stochastic DDP
Information state trajectory optimization.
Stochastic Control for Economic Models,
David Kendrick, Second Edition 2002.
Mar. 23: Erhan Arisoy
Mar. 28: Modeling Techniques and Modeling Error
Mar. 30: High Frequency Unmodeled Dynamics
How model-based techniques can fail. Why policy X techniques also fail.
What reinforcement learning (RL) can learn from adaptive control theory.
Mar. 30: Kyle Strabala
Apr. 4: Monte-Carlo, DP, and DDP approaches to Multiple Models
Apr. 6: Learning From Demonstration
Apr. 11: X. Xinjilefu
Apr. 11: Optimizing similar tasks
Apr. 13: Feng Zhou
Apr. 13: A*-like algorithms
Apr. 18: Meta-optimization
Apr. 20: Jiuguang Wang
Apr. 25: Project presentations
Apr. 27: Project presentations