The assignment now includes site licensed and SDFAST generated code, which I can't just throw onto the web. Email me if you don't remember the class/DRC login or password.
This assignment explores using function optimization.
Part 1: You will write a subroutine that chooses joint angles for the DRC robot that
Part 2: Analytically compute first derivatives of the objective function and any constraints. Use that in your optimization. From the help for fminunc: Use the GradObj option to specify that FUN also returns a second output argument G that is the partial derivatives of the function df/dX, at the point X. See this documentation for fmincon.
BONUS: Try computing the second derivative of the criterion and constraints.
DOUBLE BONUS: Do it all in C. Use SNOPT or optimization code you can find on the web as the optimizer. We have a site license for SNOPT in the Robotics Insitute, so don't distribute it to others. The manual is available from here. For my most recent installation of SNOPT on a 64bit Linux Ubuntu 12.04 machine, here are my notes:
1) Look at INSTALL.x86-64 2) export F77=/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gfortran 3) make FFLAGS="-O -fPIC" CFLAGS="-O -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-O -fPIC" 4) In sn10mach.f external etime -> external real etime 5) In cppsrc/ #include <stdlib.h> // CGAHere are some examples of using SNOPT: example 1 and example 2. If you have trouble installing SNOPT in Windows, ask junggon at
The geometry of the robot is listed in drc.m
along with other useful stuff.
A debugged forward kinematics routine is now
provided: drc_forward_kinematics.m.
I also provide C routines that do the same thing.
Everything as a zip file.
Here is a little drawing program that might help you debug. It draws a robot stick figure with the current angles, given drc_forward_kinematics() has been called.
Hints for Part 2:
1) Try automatic differentiation on your matlab code. Background info, another paper, another paper, a class lecture, Commercial, same, maybe there is a demo version, Free 1, issue with matrices?, Free 2, Free? 3, Free 4, Trial version available, and a list. There is more, google "matlab automatic differentiation".
2) Try automatic differentiation on my C code. Google "automatic differentiation".
3) Do it manually. You will have a criterion that is computed by iterating from the base link outward along the robot "tree". Using the chain rule, the first derivative will involve a pass from the tips of the tree towards the base computing the derivative of the criterion with respect to each variable met along the way.