
The Box2D web page:

From: Leonid Keselman 
Subject: Box2D Puzzle Solving

I made some slides to document my initial puzzle + optimization
experiments, see
I've been experimenting with using Box2D as a Testbed for physics
simulation. It's open source, cross platform, and has a good set of
visualization tools built-in. This is the physics engine used in
Angry Birds & countless other games; Erin Catto is a foundational
contributor in the field of real-time physics simulation
Basic steps to get it running
 *  Download 
 *  git clone
 *  cd Box2D/Box2D
 *  premake5 gmake2
 *  cd Build/gmake2
 *  make

CGA says you may need to:
     If you have a "nullptr" compiler error
export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11"
     If you have linker errors about glXXX or glewXXX
sudo apt-get install cmake libx11-dev xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
freeglut3-dev libglew1.5 libglew1.5-dev libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev
libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dev libglew-dev
export LDFLAGS=`pkg-config --static --libs x11 xrandr xi xxf86vm glew glfw3`

 *  cd ../../Testbed
 *  ../Build/gmake2/bin/Debug/Testbed
 *  have fun & play. (execution has to be from the Testbed directory)