Robosapien: The Assignment

This assignment explores control of a commercial humanoid, Robosapien This web page provides details on how to interface to the Robosapiens.

You can do one of several things with the Robospapien:


Make the robot follow a mobot-like course

Do a task you design.

You can use any type of computer/OS/language you want. You can work in groups or alone.

Some helpful info

Mark Hairgrove and Philip Cuadra have provided the following code:

In order to easily work with the vision code we used in Assignment 2, we implemented a simple C interface for the Robosapien. It uses a local socket to connect to a java-based server, which issues commands to the Robosapien. This enables you to write all the control code for the robot in C.

Here is the code for the Windows C client, Linux C client, and Java server. The Windows client seems to work, but our knowledge of Windows networking is shaky at best.

If you have any question regarding the interface, please direct them to Mark Hairgrove ( and Philip Cuadra(