16-264: Humanoids: Assignment 2: Build a humanoid
The point of this assignment is to build a simulated humanoid.
I give you code to do a simple
3 link humanoid.
See if you can get the three link version to stand (unipod.cpp).
See if you can add arms and a head and make it reach out to simulated
visual targets.
See if you can add a second leg and make it walk.
What to turn in?
Create a web page describing what you did and email the URL to
the Prof. The web page should have a writeup, pointers to the code,
and pointers to any videos (see below).
You choose the format of your writeup.
Be sure to list the names of all the members of your group.
We encourage you to
create and post a YouTube video
showing your work. Be sure to put
"CMU 16-264" in the text describing the video,
so it is possible to search for the class videos.