CMU RI 16-711: KDC: Assignment 2

This assignment gets you going on control of a bipedal walking robot.

We are distributing a simple simulation in C that works on both Windows and Linux: code
It is easy to convert this to other languages (Java or Matlab for example) if you prefer. You can also explore implementing a simulation in ODE or OpenSim (this was KDC08's assignment 2). You can use the mrdplot/matlab plotting software provided, or some other plotting software like gnuplot. Look for a readme.txt file in each directory.

By Feb 5:

Get this code or your own simulator running. Be able to plot data. Have the robot be able to start standing with the feet at the same place, walk 10 steps at an average desired speed that is specified by the user, and the stop standing up with the feet at the same place.

I am going to be updating this software, so look for version numbers after "walk". The current version is 03 (
walk03: fixed windows issues
walk02: added torque limits
walk01: original version

The next assigment will ask you to maximize performance using this simulation on tasks like jump as high as posible or as far as possible from a standing and running start, walk most efficiently, walk most robustly, run the fastest, ...

SIMBICON: Simple Biped Locomotion Control is a useful resource.

What to turn in?

Generate a web page describing what you did. Include links to your source and compiled code in either .zip, .tar, or .tar.gz format. Be sure to list the names of all the members of your group. Mail the URL of your web page to and cc [You complete the address, we are trying to avoid spam.] The writeup is more important than the code. What did you do? Why did it work? What didn't work?

You can use any type of computer/OS/language you want. You can work in groups or alone.
