Resources For Soft Robotics

Under Construction

Yong-Lae Park (CMU Robotics Institute): Soft Robotics and Bionics Lab

Carmel Majidi (CMU Mechanical Engineering): Soft Machines Lab, video, video.

Soft Robotics Toolkit

Make: magazine article

Soft Robotics journal

Soft Robotics - the next generation of intelligent machines: A perspective from Artificial intelligence

Rapid Prototyping for Soft-Matter Electronics

Fabric exoskeletons

The advantages of inflatable structures

SMA Actuator tutorial

Sanan's PhD thesis: Soft Inflatable Robots for Safe Physical Human Interaction

Otherlab/Pneubotics, Lots of Otherlab stuff,

Bloomberg Businessweek: Robots That Show Their Softer Side

iRobot inflatable robot,

ILCDover, Wikipedia

check out these links

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