Full-time industrial or academic
researcher position.
Research Interests:
- Formal methods
- Specification, verification, analysis and testing of software
- Concurrency and software security
- Publish-subscribe systems
University (CMU)
Pittsburgh, USA
Ph.D., Computer Science
Dissertation topic: A counterexample guided abstraction
refinement framework for verifying concurrent C programs
Adviser: Prof. Edmund M. Clarke
Microsoft Graduate Student Fellow
1999 -
present |
of Technology (IIT)
Kharagpur, India
B.Tech.(Hons.), Computer
Science & Engineering
Dissertation: Symbolic and automata-theoretic model
checking for timed abstraction of Verilog descriptions.
Advisers: Prof. P. P. Chakrabarti & Prof. P. Dasgupta
GPA: 9.82/10, President of India Gold Medal
1995 - 1999 |
Professional and research experience:
- MAGIC project at CMU (December 2001 - present) Developed a
framework for automated and compositional verification of concurrent C
programs. Basis of my Ph.D. dissertation. Details and download at:
- SPEAR project at CMU (December 1999 - present) Developed
implemented algorithms for efficient matching in publish-subscribe
systems using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). Details and download
- Summer Intern at Microsoft Research (MSR) (May 2001 - July
Worked in the Software Productivity Tools (SPT) group on type-based
model extraction and verification of concurrent
programs. Implemented a tool, PIPER, that (i) extracts
model from a
program using user-supplied annotations,
(ii) translates the CCS model to Promela and (iii) verifies it using
the SPIN model checker.
- Summer Intern at MSR (May 2000 - July 2000) Worked in the SLAM
project (SPT group) on the verification of
Boolean programs. Implemented a tool, BEACON, for
safety properties of thread-safe libraries and used it to verify
critical safety properties of a thread-safe memory manager developed
at MSR.
- Computer Architecture Project at CMU (October 1999 -
1999) Worked on a technique for hiding load latencies using previous
register values in modern superscalar processors. Simulations done
using the Simplescalar toolkit indicated considerable
performance gains for Spec95 benchmarks. Project report at
- B.Tech. Dissertation at IIT (July 1997 - April 1998)
symbolic model checker using the CUDD BDD package to verify timed
properties of Verilog descriptions of systems.
- Design Lab project at IIT (January 1999 - April 1999)
C++ libraries similar to Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) to support
distributed applications on a network of workstations.
- Other Projects at IIT (1995 - 1999) Compiler for a subset
of C;
hardware implementation of a 4-bit CPU; hardware/firmware for a real
time object counter; design and implementation of a time division
multiplexer; development of a graphical editor using X-Motif etc.
- Summer Intern at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Calcutta,
India. (May 1998 - July 1998) Developed web-based Problem
Utility using Lotus Notes to maintain a database of hardware and
software problems faced by TCS, their solutions and other details.
Invited Talks:
- Vulnerability Analysis Branch, US Department of Defense, November
- Microsoft Research, February 6, 2003.
Awards and Honors:
- Microsoft Graduate Fellowship, 2001-2003.
- Carnegie Mellon Computer Science Departmental Fellowship, Sep
1999 to present.
- President of India Gold Medal at IIT for best academic
performance in batch.
- President of India Silver Medal at IIT for best academic
performance in department.
- Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) scholarship,
1995 to June 1999
- B. P. Poddar Merit Scholarship, July 1998 to April 1999.
- Annual awards at IIT for best academic performance in the batch.
Development Skills:
- OS: Unix and variants, Windows (Win32), MS DOS development.
- Languages: C, C++, Lex, Yacc, Java, Ocaml, Promela,
Verilog, SQL,
Fortran 77, HTML, and MIPS / Alpha / x86 assembly.
- Development: Verification using CUDD; programmable logic
micro-controller based logic design; development of parallel programs
using threads; development of network applications using Berkeley
sockets; GUI development using X-Motif.
Publications: (Details and download at
Refereed Journal Papers
- Modular Verification of Software Components in C, to appear
invited article in special issue of Transactions on Software
Engineering (TSE), Sagar Chaki, Edmund Clarke, Alex Groce,
Jha, Helmut Veith.
- Efficient Verification of Sequential and Concurrent C Programs, to
appear in special issue of Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD),
Sagar Chaki, Edmund Clarke, Alex Groce, Jöel Ouaknine, Ofer
Strichman, Karen Yorav.
Refereed Conference and Workshop Papers
- Automated, compositional and iterative deadlock detection, to
appear in the Second ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal
Methods and models for Codesign (MEMOCODE) 2004, Sagar Chaki,
Edmund Clarke, Jöel Ouaknine, Natasha Sharygina.
- State/Event-based Software Model Checking, to appear in the
Fourth International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM)
2004, Sagar Chaki, Edmund Clarke, Jöel Ouaknine, Natasha
Sharygina, Nishant Sinha.
- Predicate Abstraction with Minimum Predicates, in Proc. of
12th Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design
and Verification Methods (CHARME) 2003, Sagar Chaki, Edmund
Clarke, Alex Groce, Ofer Strichman.
- Automated Compositional Abstraction Refinement for Concurrent C
Programs: A Two-Level Approach, in Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on
Software Model Checking (SoftMC) 2003, Sagar Chaki, Jöel
Ouaknine, Karen Yorav, Edmund Clarke.
- Integrating Publish/Subscribe into a Mobile Teamwork Support
Platform, in Proc. of the 15th International Conference on
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE) 2003, Sagar
Pascal Fenkam, Harald Gall, Somesh Jha, Engin Kirda, Helmut Veith.
- Modular Verification of Software Components in C, an
Distinguished Paper in the 25th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE) 2003, pages 385-395, Sagar Chaki, Edmund
Clarke, Alex Groce, Somesh Jha, Helmut Veith.
- Types as Models: Model Checking Message Passing Programs, in
Proc. of the 29th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages (POPL) 2002, Sagar Chaki, Sriram
K. Rajamani, Jakob Rehof.
- Parameterized Verification of Multithreaded Software Libraries, in
Proc. of Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of
Systems (TACAS) 2001, Thomas Ball, Sagar Chaki, Sriram
K. Rajamani.
- Efficient Filtering in Publish-Subscribe Systems using Binary
Diagrams, in Proc. of the 23rd International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE) 2001, Alexis Campailla, Sagar
Edmund Clarke, Somesh Jha, Helmut Veith.
- Abstractions for Model Checking of Event Timings, in Proc.
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2001,
Jatindra K. Deka, S. Chaki, Pallab Dasgupta, P. P. Chakrabarti.
Languages: Fluent English, native
Bengali speaker.
Personal Interests: Hindi and Bengali music,
playing cricket, reading novels, puzzle solving.
- Prof. Edmund M. Clarke, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, email: emc@cs.cmu.edu.
- Dr. Sriram Rajamani, Microsoft Research, USA, email: sriram@microsoft.com.
- Dr. Thomas Ball, Microsoft Research, USA, email: tball@microsoft.com.
- Prof. Randal E. Bryant, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, email: bryant@cs.cmu.edu.
Others available upon request.