Facial Expression Analysis
Canonical face representation for facial expression analysis (to be linked) (with Jeff Cohn and Takeo Kanade) AAM based Shape and anonical face representation for facial expression analysis (with Iain Matthews, F. De la Torre Frade, Simon Lucey, Jeff Cohn and Takeo Kanade, etc)
Multiview AAM fitting
Fitting a Single Active Appearance Model Simultaneously to Multiple Images
Multi-View AAM
Fitting and Camera Calibration (with Iain Matthews, Simon Baker and Takeo Kanade, etc) |
Manifold Based Analysis of Facial Expressions (1)(2)(3) (with Ya Chang and Matthew Turk) IEEE Workshop on Face Processing in Video (in conjunction with CVPR'04), Washington DC, USA, 2004. See our VIDEO demonstration. Extended version published in Image and Vision Computing Journal.
Real-time View-based Face Alignment Using Active Wavelet Networks (with Rogerio Feris and Matthew Turk) IEEE Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (in conjunction with ICCV'03), Nice, France, 2003 |
Active Wavelet Networks for Face Alignment (with Rogerio Feris and Matthew Turk) British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'03), Norwich, UK, 2003 |
Head Pose Tracking using Incremental Focus of Attention (with Reogerio Feris and Matthew Turk) We extended Kentaro Toyama's tracker with face detection and recognition demo (Four Eyes Lab Open house demo) |
Real-time Detection, Alignment and Recognition of Human Faces (with Reogerio Feris and Matthew Turk) |
Human Body Tracking (with Ya Chang and Matthew Turk) Extraction of parametric human model for posture recognition using genetic algorithm (with Songde Ma, etc) |
(with Tao Feng and Songde Ma)
E-Partner and The talk about this project (with Bo Zhang , Baining Guo and Harry Shum)