15-437/15-637 Fall 2012 Project Partner Feedback

Final Project Partner Feedback (due 06 December)

Working with others is hard, and being a good person to work with can be hard, too. To complete your project you need to evaluate your partners' contributions -- and your own contributions -- to your course project. This assignment should not require much time; I expect you to write just a few paragraphs for each part of your evaluation.

This peer review process has two parts:

  1. First, your team must meet as a group and submit a single, consensus statement to your team SVN repository. You should explicitly describe the contributions of each team member in a way such that all team members agree with the entirety of the statement, and then submit this consensus statement to the trunk directory of your team's SVN repository.
  2. After your team has submitted a consensus statement, you must each individually submit a private statement evaluating your own contributions to your project. In this private statement please address just your own contributions and do not mention your teammates in any way. You should submit this statement to the trunk directory of your personal SVN repository.

There is no explicit requirement for what you should address in your statements, but here are some sample questions that you might answer in your evaluations.

If your team generally agrees, without conflict, about each member's contribution to the project, your personal statements may be very short, simply saying that you concur with all aspects of your team's consensus statement. If you your team had an unusual amount of conflict, however, or if you believe that unusual circumstances apply to your team (e.g., your team SVN repository does not demonstrate that all team members were full participants on the project), your private, personal statement should describe your personal contributions in greater detail. In this case please describe which specific project components you personally implemented and to what extent you contributed to the components your teammates implemented. Don't forget to include your contributions to the proposal ideas and specification as part of this process.

Please complete this evaluation process by 11:59 p.m., Thursday, 06 December.

Last updated: Fri Nov 30 13:54:59 -0500 2012 [validate xhtml]