Human Languages Links

This page contains links to information about modern Human Languages. For theory, rather than data, see the Linguistics page.
General Resources:
  • The Human-Languages Page
  • The CMU English Server
  • Universal Survey of Languages Proposal
  • Less Commonly Taught Languages Project
  • Ethnologue, 11th Ed., 1988 (catalog of languages)
  • Language
  • Merry Christmas in (more than) 33 Languages!
  • The Alternative Dictionaries
  • Linguistics
  • Yamada Language Guides
  • Mr. Smarty Pants Language Facts
  • The Lowest Protocol
  • English:
  • Hypertext Webster Interface
  • Martin Ramsch - Englisch
  • The Palindrome Page
  • The Neologism Page
  • Gopher Index gopher://
  • PhoNETic
  • Index of /~hblackme/oed/
  • Cobuild Home Page
  • Other European Languages:
  • Project Runeberg Scandinavian texts
  • A Welsh Course
  • CCMH
  • Asian Languages:
  • The Chinese-Language-Related Information Page
  • A Review of Chinese Word Lists Accessible on the Internet
  • General Botanical Index
  • Japanese Information
  • Hangul and Internet in Korea FAQ
  • Index of /hangul/doc/
  • Index of /pub/hangul/print/

  • Christopher Hogan (email: finger:

    Last updated Mon Oct 7 14:28:45 EDT 1996