high-res photo

U.S. mail address:
Christos Faloutsos
Dept. of
Computer Science , GHC 7003
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
Admin: Oliver Moss
email: christos-admin-support AT cs DOT cmu DOT edu
If interested in grad studies, postdoc, summer internship, etc:
Thank you for your interest!
Please see this first.
Current Position: Fredkin Professor of Computer Science.
Courtesy appointment: Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Academic Degrees: Ph.D. and M.Sc. (University of Toronto.); B.Sc.
(Nat. Tech. U. Athens)
Short bio
and full CV
in pdf;
customized for funding agencies,
2-page versions
Up-to-date calendar:
Other affiliations:
Past affiliations:
Research Interests:
- Data Mining for graphs and streams
- Fractals, self-similarity and power laws
- Indexing and data mining for video, biological and medical
- Data base performance evaluation (data placement, workload
In the news:
- Oct. 2004: Ranked among the top 50 nurturers in information
technology by a study at the Indian
Institute of Science.
- Nov. 2005: Mentioned in the Greek newspaper 'To Vima' (full
article, in Greek
- Dec. 2005: Interview in the Dec. 2005 ACM
SIGMOD record (Distinguished Database Profiles)
- Dec. 2006:
CMU press
release about the NetProbe project for auction fraud
detection - joint work with Polo Chau, Shashank Pandit and Sam
Wang. Also in
- Jan. 2009: (in Greek) Interview in the first student
newsletter, (pp.
9-11) of the Athens University of
Economics and Business. Also, coverage of NetProbe (pp. 12-13) . For more
details, see the home page of the
.mag newsletter.
Oct. 2012: NSF
press release 12-187
on BIG DATA grants
- Fall 2016: 'Fraudar' paper
Detection of fake twitter followers, fake yelp reviews etc.
Joint work with Bryan Hooi, Hyun Ah Song, Alex Beutel, Neil Shah,
Kijung Shin.
- May 2021: 'InfoShield' for Human Trafficking Detection.
Oct. 2022: 'TrafficVis' visualization for Human Trafficking Detection.
Local news
New (March 2023):
MetaPaper list of presentation suggestions
MetaPaper a.k.a. 'Lessons learned from 1000 research paper rejections'
is out -
tar-file and presentation are
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