A collection of bioinformatics lectures and computer science background lectures can be found here.
Courses taught at Carnegie Mellon University:
- Spring '14 - Algorithms & Data Structures for Scientists
- Fall '13 - String Algorithms
- Spr '13 - Bioinformatics Data Integration Practicum
- Spring 2013 - Algorithms & Data Structures (for Scientists)
Courses taught at University of Maryland, College Park:
- Fall 2011 - Computational Genomics (CMSC 858S/701)
- Fall 2011 - Bioinformatics (CMSC 423)
- Spring 2011 - Computational Evolutionary Dynamics (CMSC 858M)
- Fall 2010 - Bioinformatics (CMSC 423)
- Fall 2009 - Networks Algorithms for Biology (CMSC 858L)
- Fall 2009 - Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms (CMSC 451)
- Spring 2009 - Graphs and Networks in Computational Biology (CMSC 858L)
- Fall 2008 - Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms (CMSC 451)
- Spring 2008 - Data Structures (CMSC 420)
- Fall 2007 - Graphs and Networks in Computational Biology(CMSC 858L)