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Generalizing Metamodules to Simplify Planning in Modular Robotic Systems


In Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS '08

Daniel Dewey, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa, Michael P. Ashley-Rollman, Michael De Rosa, Padmanabhan Pillai, Todd C. Mowry, Jason D. Campbell, and Seth Copen Goldstein

Nice, France

September, 2008


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  author = {Dewey, Daniel and Srinivasa, Siddhartha S. and
     Ashley-Rollman, Michael P. and De~Rosa, Michael and Pillai,
     Padmanabhan and Mowry, Todd C. and Campbell, Jason D. and
     Goldstein, Seth Copen},
  title = {Generalizing Metamodules to Simplify Planning in Modular
     Robotic Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference
     on Intelligent Robots and Systems {IROS '08}},
  year = {2008},
  address = {Nice, France},
  month = {September},
  abstract = {In this paper we develop a theory of metamodules and an
     associated distributed asynchronous planner which generalizes
     previous work on metamodules for lattice-based modular robotic
     systems. All extant modular robotic systems have some form of
     non-holonomic motion constraints. This has prompted many
     researchers to look to metamodules, i.e., groups of modules that
     act as a unit, as a way to reduce motion constraints and the
     complexity of planning. However, previous metamodule designs have
     been specific to a particular modular robot. 

By analyzing the constraints found in modular robotic systems we develop a holonomic metamodule which has two important properties: (1) it can be used as the basic unit of an efficient planner and (2) it can be instantiated by a wide variety of different underlying modular robots, e.g., modular robot arms, expanding cubes, hex-packed spheres, etc. Using a series of transformations we show that our practical metamodule system has a provably complete planner. Finally, our approach allows the task of shape transformation to be separated into a planning task and a resource allocation task. We implement our planner for two different metamodule systems and show that the time to completion scales linearly with the diameter of the ensemble.}, url = {}, keywords = {Meld, Planning, Multi-Robot Formations, Controlling Ensembles, Robotics}, }

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