PhD student, Robotics Institute
      Carnegie Mellon University

Phone:  (412) 268-4857
Advisor:  Takeo Kanade



Recurrent Linear Networks - Currently, my research is focused on developing efficient learning algorithms.  Sample applications include image retrieval, language modeling and collaborative filtering.  To accomplish these tasks I've developed a method based on maximizing a non-standard measure of entropy.  Using a measure of entropy that belongs to the family of Renyi's entropies, the distribution with maximum entropy can be found using a recurrent linear network.  I currently plan to defend my thesis in Spring 2003.

Stereo Vision - Over the past six years I have worked on many different aspects of stereo vision, including using parallel computers, creating portable 3D cameras and the creation of new algorithms.  My most recent work has centered around a cooperative algorithm.

Telepresence - I have worked with Microsoft's BARC (Bay Area Research Center) on making telepresence more engaging.  Run a demo for manipulating my head orientation and eye gaze.


Software Sound Synthesis - I have developed several applications to explore new methods for sound synthesis.  The synthesizers employ a mixture of additive and subtractive synthesis.  Waveforms and envelopes are hand drawn by the user.  To learn more please visit CutterMusic.



Refereed Papers 

Gaze Awareness for Videoconferencing: A Software Approach 
J. Gemmell, C. Zitnick, T. Kang, K. Toyama and Steven Seitz 
IEEE MultiMedia, pp. 26-35, Oct.- Dec. 2000

A Cooperative Algorithm for Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection
C. L. Zitnick and T. Kanade
Proc. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 22, no. 7, July 2000.

Method of Producing a Three Dimensional Image from Two Dimensional Images.
Jon A. Webb, C. Lawrence Zitnick.  Patent Number: 5,818,959, Oct. 6, 1998.

A Multibaseline Stereo System with Active Illumination and Real-time Image Acquisition
S. Kang, J.A. Webb, C. Zitnick, and T. Kanade
The Fifth International Conference on Computer Vision, June, 1995, pp. 88-93.

Technical Reports

A Cooperative Algorithm for Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection
C. Zitnick and T. Kanade
tech. report CMU-RI-TR-99-35, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, October, 1999.

Manipulation of Video Eye Gaze and Head Orientation for Video Teleconferencing
Zitnick, C. Lawrence ; Gemmell, Jim ; Toyama, Kentaro

A Volumetric Iterative Approach to Stereo Matching and Occlusion Detection
C. Zitnick and T. Kanade
tech. report CMU-RI-TR-98-30, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, December, 1998.

Multi-baseline Stereo Using Surface Extraction
C. Zitnick and J.A. Webb
tech. report CMU-CS-96-196, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996.

An Active Multibaseline Stereo System with Real-Time Image Acquisition
S. Kang, J. Webb, C. Zitnick, and T. Kanade
tech. report CMU-CS-94-167, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, September, 1994.

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