LTI Student Activity Funds Survey

Welcome to the LTI Student Funds Survey. Your answers will be very helpful in guiding the Student Funds Committee on what kinds of activities to sponsor. Please note that activities will not be automatically funded or not funded as a result of appearing on this survey.

Most importantly, space is provided for you to suggest new activities that you are interested in organizing and to rank them in comparison to the traditional activities we have listed as a starting point.

We would also *really* like to hear from you in person. The committee is informal and includes June, Antoine, Betty, Arthur, Wen, Tina, and Alicia. Please stop any one of us in the hallway with questions or suggestions. All of our email addresses can also be found below. If you have trouble finding us and you'd like an official contact point, please email Tina Bennett, or use the mail list.

Survey Usage note: This survey is anonymous, which means that we are not tracking who has submitted answers, or checking for multiple submissions by a single student. Be careful not to click the "Submit" button more than once.

Thank you for your time and effort in filling out this survey.

Antoine Raux Arthur Toth Wen Wu Betty Cheng Alicia Tribble June Sison Tina Bennett

I. Tell us which events you have attended in the past

Event Did you attend? Number of times?
Fright Fest (haunted house) yes no not @LTI then
Horseback Riding yes no not @LTI then
Thanksgiving Dinner yes no not @LTI then
Ski Trip (2002 w/GSA or 2003 LTI only) yes no not @LTI then
Sandcastle Waterpark yes no not @LTI then
Movie (Harry Potter I&II, Star Wars II) yes no not @LTI then
Ice Skating yes no not @LTI then

II. Tell us what kind of events you are likely to attend

I am very likely likely uncertain unlikely very unlikely

to attend an all weekend event.
I am very likely likely uncertain unlikely very unlikely

to attend an all day event.
I am very likely likely uncertain unlikely very unlikely

to attend an event that lasts a few hours.
I am very likely likely uncertain unlikely very unlikely

to attend an event held off-campus.
I am very likely likely uncertain unlikely very unlikely

to attend an event held on-campus.

III. Tell us which events you prefer

Mark the response which most closely corresponds to your opinion on each of the events listed.

As a rule of thumb, keep in mind that the funds we have allow a total of 4-6 events per year and the ski trip counts about twice.

Please Note: Appearance on this list does not indicate that an activity is already planned for this year. As always, in order for an event to occur some student must volunteer to coordinate that event.
Event My Favorite Event I really like it It's okay No opinion Object to this event
Movie: Harry Potter
Movie: Lord of the Rings
Movie: The Matrix
Horse Riding Trip
Weekend Student Retreat
Student Research Symposium
Sandcastle Water Park
FrightFest Haunted House
Thanksgiving Dinner
Ice Skating
LTI Rafting Trip*
GSA Rafting Trip**
LTI Ski Trip*
GSA Ski Trip**
LTI Volunteer Day (e.g. Habitat for Humanity)
LTI Video Night in Auditorium
LTI International Video Fest in Auditorium
(your new event!!)
(your new event!!)
*, ** Denotes events which are currently sponsored by GSA funds. GSA Ski Trip refers to one ski trip with joint LTI/GSA funds (result is cheaper for the individual). LTI Ski Trip refers to an additional LTI-only ski trip (total 2 trips, each slightly more expensive than the single trip). Please rank these according to your preference for one trip with a big discount or two trips with a slightly smaller discount on each.

IV. Do you have comments or concerns about the Committee, Planned Events, or Student Activity Funds in general?

Give us your anonymous input here: