CORAL Research Publications

By DateBy Publication TypeBy Research CategoryBy Author (Currently at CMU)By Author (Past and Current CORAL Contributors)

Levels of Multi-Robot Coordination for Dynamic Environments

Colin McMillen, Paul Rybski, and Manuela Veloso. Levels of Multi-Robot Coordination for Dynamic Environments. In Multi-Robot Systems, 2005.




RoboCup, the international robot soccer competition, poses a set of extremely difficult challenges for multi-robot systems. To be competitive in RoboCup's rapidly-changing, dynamic, adversarial environment, teams need to make use of effective coordination strategies. We describe some of our experiences with effective coordination of robots teams and introduce several levels of strategies which encapsulate coordination from the level of individual robots to synchronized coordination of the entire team.

BibTeX Entry

  author = 	 "Colin McMillen and Paul Rybski and Manuela Veloso",
  title = 	 "Levels of Multi-Robot Coordination for Dynamic Environments",
  booktitle = "Multi-Robot Systems",
  year = 	 2005,
  abstract = "RoboCup, the international robot soccer competition,
  poses a set of extremely difficult challenges for multi-robot
  systems.  To be competitive in RoboCup's rapidly-changing, dynamic,
  adversarial environment, teams need to make use of effective
  coordination strategies.  We describe some of our experiences with
  effective coordination of robots teams and introduce several levels
  of strategies which encapsulate coordination from the level of
  individual robots to synchronized coordination of the entire team.",
  bib2html_pubtype = {Workshop},
  bib2html_rescat = {RoboCup Publications, Robot Soccer Legged},

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