CORAL Research Publications

By DateBy Publication TypeBy Research CategoryBy Author (Currently at CMU)By Author (Past and Current CORAL Contributors)

Task Decomposition, Dynamic Role Assignment, and Low-Bandwidth Communication for Real-Time Strategic Teamwork

Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso. Task Decomposition, Dynamic Role Assignment, and Low-Bandwidth Communication for Real-Time Strategic Teamwork. Artificial Intelligence, 110(2):241–273, June 1999.





BibTeX Entry

  Author =	 "Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso",
  Title =	 "Task Decomposition, Dynamic Role Assignment, and
                  Low-Bandwidth Communication for Real-Time Strategic
  Journal =	 "Artificial Intelligence",
  Year =	 1999,
  month =	 "June",
  volume =	 110,
  number =	 2,
  pages =	 "241--273",
  bib2html_pubtype ={Journal},
  bib2html_rescat ={RoboCup, Robot Soccer Simulator}

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