CORAL Research Publications

By DateBy Publication TypeBy Research CategoryBy Author (Currently at CMU)By Author (Past and Current CORAL Contributors)

Task decomposition and dynamic role assignment for real-time strategic teamwork

Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso. Task decomposition and dynamic role assignment for real-time strategic teamwork. In J. P. Muller, M. P. Singh, and A. S. Rao, editors, Intelligent Agents V --- Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL-98), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 293–308, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1999.





BibTeX Entry

  author =	 "Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso",
  title =	 "Task decomposition and dynamic role assignment for
                  real-time strategic teamwork",
  booktitle =	 "Intelligent Agents V --- Proceedings of the Fifth
                  International Workshop on Agent Theories,
                  Architectures, and Languages (ATAL-98)",
  Editor =	 "J.~P.~Muller and M.~P.~Singh and A.~S.~Rao",
  publisher =	 "Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg",
  series =	 "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence",
  pages =	 "293--308",
  volume =	 1555,
  year =	 1999,
  bib2html_pubtype ={Book Chapter},
  bib2html_rescat ={RoboCup}

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