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SPADES --- A Distributed Agent Simulation Environment with Software-in-the-Loop Execution

Patrick Riley and George Riley. SPADES --- A Distributed Agent Simulation Environment with Software-in-the-Loop Execution. In Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, pp. 817–825, 2003.




Simulations are used extensively for studying artificial intelligence. However, the simulation technology in use by and designed for the artificial intelligence community often fails to take advantage of much of the work by the larger simulation community to produce distributed, repeatable, and efficient simulations. We present the System for Parallel Agent Discrete Event Simulation, (SPADES), which is a simulation environment for the artificial intelligence community. SPADES focuses on the agent as a fundamental simulation component. The thinking time of an agent is tracked and reflected in the results of the agents' actions by using a software-in-the-loop mechanism. SPADES supports distributed execution of the agents across multiple systems, while at the same time producing repeatable results regardless of network or system load. We discuss the design of SPADES and give experimental results. SPADES is flexible enough for a variety of application domains in the artificial intelligence research community.

BibTeX Entry

  author =	 {Patrick Riley and George Riley},
  title =	 {{SPADES} --- A Distributed Agent Simulation
                  Environment with Software-in-the-Loop Execution},
  booktitle =	 {Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings},
  year =	 2003,
  editor =	 {S. Chick and P. J. S\'{a}nchez and D. Ferrin and
                  D. J. Morrice},
  pages = 	 {817--825},
  volume = 	 {1},
  abstract =	 { Simulations are used extensively for studying
                  artificial intelligence. However, the simulation
                  technology in use by and designed for the artificial
                  intelligence community often fails to take advantage
                  of much of the work by the larger simulation
                  community to produce distributed, repeatable, and
                  efficient simulations. We present the System for
                  Parallel Agent Discrete Event Simulation, (SPADES),
                  which is a simulation environment for the artificial
                  intelligence community. SPADES focuses on the agent
                  as a fundamental simulation component. The thinking
                  time of an agent is tracked and reflected in the
                  results of the agents' actions by using a
                  software-in-the-loop mechanism. SPADES supports
                  distributed execution of the agents across multiple
                  systems, while at the same time producing repeatable
                  results regardless of network or system load. We
                  discuss the design of SPADES and give experimental
                  results. SPADES is flexible enough for a variety of
                  application domains in the artificial intelligence
                  research community.},
  bib2html_pubtype ={Refereed Conference},
  bib2html_rescat ={Simulation},
  bib2html_funding = {NSF,CoABS,ActiveTemplates},

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