CORAL Research Publications

By DateBy Publication TypeBy Research CategoryBy Author (Currently at CMU)By Author (Past and Current CORAL Contributors)

Using rat navigation models to learn orientation from visual input on a mobile robot

Brett Browning. Using rat navigation models to learn orientation from visual input on a mobile robot. In Proceedings of Autonomous Agents, 2001, Montreal, Canada, November 2001.


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BibTeX Entry

    Author="Brett Browning",
    Title="Using rat navigation models to learn orientation from visual input on a mobile robot",
    BookTitle="Proceedings of Autonomous Agents, 2001",
    Month="November",Year="2001", Address="Montreal, Canada"
  bib2html_pubtype = {Refereed Conference},
  bib2html_rescat = {Biologically Inspired Navigation,Robot Perception, Robot Learning}

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