ADEPT: Supporting Engineering Design Project Based Learning

Funded by: the National Science Foundation
PIs: Daniel P. Siewiorek, Susan Finger, Asim Smailagic, Carolyn P. Rose
Students, Staff, and Collaborators Past and Present: Gahgene Gweon, Sharad Oberoi, Peter Simon, Rohit Kumar

Project Overview

The increasing emphasis in engineering education on maintaining the competitive advantage of U.S. engineers requires an understanding of how students learn the higher-order engineering skills of problem-solving and design, and the increasingly rapid technological change requires students to develop sophisticated information management skills so that they can build on and repurpose innovations and discoveries made in previous projects. The key to addressing these knowledge building problems is to develop DesignWebs, an infrastructure that supports effective storage and retrieval of documents as they evolve as part of a collaborative design process, and GRASP, and automatic assessment technology that monitors the well functioning of design teams through automatic speech processing. The GRASP unobtrusive assessment technology is designed to facilitate the supporting role the instructor can play in the development of team participation in that it that promotes transparency of group work so that instructors are able to identify groups that need more of their attention and involvement.


  1. Gweon, G., Jeon, S., Lee, J., Rose, C. P. (invited). Diagnosing Problems in Student Project Groups, in Puntambekar, S., Erkens, G., Hmelo-Silver, C. (Eds.) Analyzing Collaborative Interactions in CSCL: Methods, Approaches and Issues, Springer.
  2. Gweon, G., Kumar., R., Rose, C. P. (2009). GRASP: The Group Learning Assessment Platform, Community Event Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
  3. Gweon, G., Kumar, R., Rose, C. P. (2009). Towards Automatic Assessment for Project Based Learning Groups, submitted to Artificial Intelligence in Education
  4. Rose, C. P., Gweon, G., Arguello, J., Finger, S., Smailagic, A., Siewiorek, D. (2007). Towards an Interactive Assessment Framework for Engineering Design Learning, Proceedings of ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference