CPSR: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility: Pittsburgh Chapter
A public-interest alliance of computer scientists and others concerned about the impact of computer technology on society

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Carnegie Mellon University
CMU School of Computer Science

  This page contains links to documents that are relevant to issues that we are currently thinking about. We will be updating this list of links whenever we have plans to discuss a particular issue at a meeting or if there is background material that is relevant to a CPSR/Pittsburgh sponsored seminar or panel.

Cultural Criticism

Kenneth Keniston. Politics, Culture, and Software. From The Economic and Political Weekly, January 17, 1998. (related to one of our reading group discussions)

Using the DMCA to silence criticism


National ID Cards

Sean O'Connor, Citizen of the Republic [MS word format] [text]

Networks, Netwars, and the Fight for the Future

Excerpt from Chapter 10 of the book Networks, Netwars, and the Fight for the Future, by David Ronfeldt and John Arquilla

Information about books by the same authors:

Microsoft Antitrust Case

Letter from Ralph Nader and James Love to the DOJ, Nov 5, 2001

Homeland Security

ANSER Institute for Homeland Security

Homeland Security Primer

Homeland Defense: State of the Union, by Randy Larsen and Ruth David, Spring 2001 (7 pages)

H.R. 3162, the "USA Patriot Act"

H.R. 3162: Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, aka the "USA Patriot Act," a new antiterrorism bill from congress.

The ACLU's response to H.R. 3162 and their letter to Congress

Security and civil liberty

CPSR Privacy and Civil Liberties links

"Privacy, Security, Crypto, & Surveillance" Archive, Electronic Frontiers Foundation

Go Beyond Security -- Build In Privacy: One Does Not Equal The Other a speech delivered by Ann Cavoukian at CARDTECH/SECURTECH 96


Intrinsic Forensics an article on biometrics.

A Practical Guide to Biometric Security Technology from IEEE Computer Society

Biometric Security - Practical and Affordable!

ACLU Says Plans to Install Facial Recognition Technology In Rhode Island Airport Will Not Improve Safety press release 10/29/01

Last modified: $Date: 2002/02/14 01:49:18 $