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"The VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston Strangler is to the woman alone."
--Jack Valenti, MPAA
"Our greatest fear is that the Internet will become a vehicle of free distribution of information."
--Ken Wasch, president of the Software Publishers Association, which represents some 1,200 software publishing companies.
- Take Amateur Radio License theory exams online or check the local license exam schedule
- Securing 5% of the Internet against Wiretapping in 1996 (didn't happen)
- IEEE Code of Ethics
- Craig Shergold is NOT DYING OF CANCER and does NOT WANT POSTCARDS.
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Anonymity
- National Association for Search and Rescue
- Where the Internet really came from
- Your Rights And The Police
- Basic Firearm Safety
- Programming Language Critiques
- Nine Planets
- How to order your own Darwin fish
- Kosher Restaurants
- Rabbinic Statements relating to the Rabin assassination.