dancanet@ms.com Flat 2, 35 Montagu Square London, W1H 1TL United Kingdom |
Morgan Stanley & Co. 25 Cabot Square London, E14 4QA United Kingdom |
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA (Jan. 1987 - May 1990)
Graduated magna cum laude with three majors. GPA: 3.62
(Math GPA: 4.0)
B.S.E. in Computer Science and Engineering, May 1990.
B.A. in Mathematics and Philosophy (with distinction), May 1990.
Morgan Stanley & Co.,
Information Technology, New York, NY (Aug. 1997 - Apr. 1999)
Developed applications in support of bond traders.
Completed graduate training program.
Carnegie Mellon University,
School of Computer Science
(Aug. 1990 - Aug. 1997)
Graduate research assistant with Dr. Stephen Brookes.
Developed intensional semantics for parallel programming languages and
studied theoretical and practical issues; implemented a programming
language and type inference system which take advantage of intensional
Transarc Corporation,
Pittsburgh, PA (Summer 1992)
Summer intern. Developed a semi-automated testing program for the file
system of Encina, Transarc's OLTP (on-line transaction processing) product;
designed a testing language.
Kodak Research Labs,
Digital Technology Center, Rochester, NY (Summer 1991)
Summer intern. Tested the performance of PIPPIN, a parallel image
processing language, on various transputer-based parallel computers.
University of Pennsylvania,
Department of Computer Science (Summer 1990)
Research assistant with Dr. Val Breazu-Tannen. Examined some extensions
of ML's type inference algorithm to allow it to deal with records and
University of Pennsylvania,
Department of Computer Science (Sep. 1988 - May 1990)
Research assistant with Dr. Lokendra Shastri. Developed a neural network
compiler that takes a high-level description of a neural network and
creates a C program to build it; implemented a connectionist semantic
network which can learn concepts and generalize over them.
Torque Systems, Inc., New York, NY (Summer 1989)
Summer intern. Implemented a parallel version of the Rochester
Connectionist Simulator using the Linda parallel programming model.
University of Pennsylvania,
Department of Computer Science (May 1987 -- May 1988)
Research assistant with Dr. Lyle Ungar. Tested genetic algorithms for
learning in various environments to determine their limitations.