Résumé of Rujith de Silva


WWW-related programming, HTML (and extensions), CGI & FastCGI, httpd, C, customizing multiple Web servers, Perl5 & Oraperl, Oracle, SQL, SQLPlus, SQLNet, ProC, cryptography, Lotus Notes & Domino, etc.

Work Experience

Senior Research Scientist, Nets, Inc., Cambridge, MA.
September 1996 - present.
Developing cryptographic techniques, implementing an anonymous negotiation system, investigating advanced search tools, developing a high-performance commerce architecture.
Manager, Advanced Applications, Industry.Net (a subsidiary of Nets, Inc.), Pittsburgh, PA.
May 1996 - August 1996.
Improving Web server and Oracle performance, investigating advanced search tools.
Software Engineer, Industry.Net, Pittsburgh, PA.
Consultant July 1994 - December 1995, full-time Summer 1995, full-time December 1995 - May 1996.
Writing and maintaining a World-Wide Web server (http://www.industry.net/), setting up an associated Oracle database, and integrating it with the WWW server using ProC and Perl5.
Software Programmer, Astromed, Cambridge, UK.
June - September 1990
Writing image processing and image analysis software in C to detect DNA bands in images of DNA fingerprints.
Software Programmer, Qudos, Cambridge, UK.
July - September 1989
Modifying chip-design CAD package in Modula-2 to work with multiple chips and setting up layout data for new chips. Modifying chip simulator algorithm to handle generic gates.
Software Programmer, GEC Software, London, UK.
July - September 1988.
Designing software development tools for in-house use and implementing same in C as `helpers' to TenPlus integrated system.

Personal WWW Projects

A WWW front-end to the online CMU library servers. Restricts some areas to CMU users by authenticating them using CMU's Kerberos file-protection system.
Sree's Lunch on the Web
An online lunch-ordering system at CMU. Performs authentication and validation of orders by using CMU's Kerberos file-protection system, and also PGP-signatures hidden in HTML forms.


Carnegie Mellon University
September 1991 - December 1995
Doctoral Student in the School of Computer Science. Proposed thesis on `Reasoning about Goal-Interactions in Non-Linear Planners.' Awarded M.Sc. in Computer Science (June 1994).
University of Cambridge, U.K.
October 1988 - June 1991.
Bachelor of Arts ( B.A. (Hons.)) degree in Computer Science.


Honors and Awards

Personal Details

Contact Details

Rujith de Silva
2353 Massachusetts Ave Apt 56
Cambridge MA 02140-1244
Phone: 617-354-8976
Email: desilva@netbox.com