W. Burgard, D. Fox, and S. Thrun
Active Mobile Robot Localization
Proc. of the Fifteenth International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'97)
Localization is the problem of determining the position of a mobile
robot from sensor data. Most existing localization approaches are
passive, i.e., they do not exploit the opportunity to control the
robot's effectors during localization. This paper proposes an
active localization approach. The approach provides rational
criteria for (1) setting the robot's motion direction (exploration),
and (2) determining the pointing direction of the sensors so as to
most efficiently localize the robot. Furthermore, it is able to
deal with noisy sensors and approximative world models. The
appropriateness of our approach is demonstrated empirically using an
RWI B21 mobile robot in a structured office environment.
An updated and extended version of this paper can be found in: Active
Markov Localization for Mobile Robots.
Full paper [.ps.gz]
(190 kb, 7 pages)
= {Burgard, W. and Fox, D. and Thrun, S.},
= {Active Mobile Robot Localization},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc.~of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
= {1997}
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