OverDoSe: A Generic DDoS Protection Service Using an Overlay Network |
``OverDoSe: A Generic DDoS Protection Service Using an Overlay Network'' by Elaine Shi, Ion Stoica, David Andersen, and Adrian Perrig. Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science Department technical report CMU-CS-06-114, Feb. 2006.
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BibTeX entry:
@techreport{Shi:overdose2006, author = {Elaine Shi and Ion Stoica and David Andersen and Adrian Perrig}, title = {{OverDoSe}: A Generic {DDoS} Protection Service Using an Overlay Network}, institution = {Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science Department}, number = {CMU-CS-06-114}, month = feb, year = {2006} }
dga - at - cs dot cmu dot edu