Welcome to the "Dialogs on Dialogs" Reading Group homepage.
"Dialogs on Dialogs" is a student reading group focused on research in the areas of Spoken Dialog Systems/Conversational agents, with an accent on the upper levels of these systems: dialog management and connected topics (i.e. natural language understanding, natural language generation).

The group meetings are meant to be highly informal. The idea is to create a setting in which we can present / discuss / validate / challenge / criticize / provide and obtain feedback on our own research ideas and work. We will also have more traditional reading group sessions, where we take turns in presenting and discussing recent work in these areas by other people in the field. 

Although the group originated and is based at Carnegie Mellon, it currently has a number of active participants from other sites. The group is always looking for and open to new members. Currently, participants from outside CMU can join our meetings through Skype. If you are interested in joining us, please email Vivian Chen at yvc...@cs.cmu.edu. To reach all the group members by email, use the dial...@cs.cmu.edu mailing list.

The group meets monthly or on demand on Fridays, 12:00pm-1:00pm Eastern. The meetings are held in the speech lab - Gates-Hillman 7224.
We now have a Dialogs on Dialogs Google calendar that contains the planned (and past) talks: click here
 Meetings [for a list of archived (pre-2007) meetings, click here]
Since 2008 we have used the Dialogs on Dialogs LinkedIn Group for talk announcements and discussions. You'll find all recent announcements there.

Please send comments to mrma...@cs.cmu.edu