Creating surface meshes from range images

When converting a range image into a surface mesh, we must simultaneously satisfy three criteria: To accomplish this, we perform the following steps on the input range images:
  1. filter bad points
  2. remove range shadows
  3. convert to a surface mesh
  4. simplify and smooth the mesh

For ground-based sensing, we use the Ben Franklin 2 laser rangefinder. It produces range and reflectance images in a 360 x 30 degree field of view. The images are 6000 x 300 pixels. The example view below is cropped to about 120 degrees in the forward direction. It is the first in the mesa data sequence and looks down a road between two hills. In the distance, the road and the right-hand hill both curve to the left. The examples below show how this range image is converted into a surface mesh.

Two views of the BF2 laser rangefinder mounted on Navlab 5.

Example input images from the BF2: range image (left) and reflectance image (right)

Step 1: filter bad points

We apply several filters to remove bad points from the range image. Bad points occur for the following reasons:
Bad points (black) are removed from the range image.

Step 2: remove range shadows

Range shadows are caused by occluding edges in the range image. Without range shadow removal, the points on occluding edges are connected to distant points on the terrain behind, generating a surface in the final mesh that does not correspond to any real-world surface. Our registration algorithm is fairly robust to these phantom surfaces, but at the integration stage, the surfaces would be incorrectly added to the final map. Range shadow removal creates holes in the surface mesh, causing problems with the simplification algorithm, which uses many triangles to accurately represent the borders of these holes. Therefore, we create two surface meshes, one with a conservative range shadow removal (used for registration) and one with a liberal range shadow removal (used for integration).

An example of range shadow removal

Range shadow edge points (white): conservative removal (left) and liberal removal (right)

Step 3: convert to a surface mesh

Once the bad points have been filtered out, conversion to a surface mesh is straightforward. Each good point in the range image is converted to an xyz coordinate system. Edges are introduced to connect points that were four-connected in the range image and along one of the diagonals.

Raw surface mesh: filled (left) and wireframe (right)

Step 4: simplify and smooth the mesh

We must simplify the mesh to reduce the number of vertices to the point where we can perform registration in a reasonable amount of time. We use a simplification algorithm developed by Michael Garland. This algorithm removes faces from the mesh while maintaining the mesh's original shape. As a beneficial side-effect, areas that are relatively flat are represented at a lower resolution than complex surfaces, thereby concentrating the resolution in the areas that need it most.

Finally, the mesh is smoothed to increase the stability of the surface normals. Since spin images are defined with respect to the local surface normal, unstable normals would reduce the chances of finding corresponding points on two meshes.

Simplified mesh: filled (left) and wireframe (right)

The final smoothed mesh: filled (left) and phong shaded (right)

Last modified February 15, 1999
Daniel Huber (