Dishan Gupta

me Dishan Gupta दिशान गुप्ता
Graduate Student
Language Technologies Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University

Office: 5716 Gates-Hillman Complex (map)


I am second year Masters student in the Language Technologies Institute within the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Currently, I am working on Proactive Machine Learning with Prof. Jaime Carbonell (the founder). Previously, I developed a state-of-the-art near-synonym generating system "NeSS" with Prof. Jaime Carbonell and Prof. Anatole Gershman. I believe that NeSS will benefit a variety of NLP systems including information retrieval, machine translation and question answering, and efforts are currently in progress to verify the same.

Prior to joining CMU, I spent four wonderful years as an undergraduate in Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur studying Materials Science and Engineering. Yes, grad school was the first time I wrote code.

Research Interests

My core machine learning research interests are:

I am particularly interested in bridging the gap between theory and application in advanced machine learning algorithms, especially from a scalability perspective.


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