CS740 Final Project - Milestone Report
Dan Blandford and Takayuki Osogami
({dkb1, osogami}@cs.cmu.edu)
Major Changes
The most significant change that has occurred was in our method of
inserting GUARD instructions into the test code. Initially we planned to
do this by altering the SimpleScalar compiler. Unfortunately, we were
unable to compile the SimpleScalar compiler (much less modify it or use it
to compile benchmark code). Fortunately we found a workaround: in the
simulator itself we can replace BRANCH instructions with GUARD
instructions. We can do this as a preprocessing step before running the
code. (In fact, we could just as easily perform this change at runtime,
deciding whether to convert an instruction as we read it in.)
We have implemented support for GUARD instructions in the SimpleScalar
compiler. We implemented a somewhat crude technique for converting BRANCH
instructions to GUARD instructions and tested the simulator on one of the
provided test programs. We can adjust the technique so that it is more or
less aggressive at replacing BRANCHes with GUARDs.
The results are as we expected: as we replace BRANCHes with GUARDs, the
number of instructions executed by our simulator increases, but the number
of branch mispredictions decreases. At present the cost of the additional
instructions executed outweighs the benefit from improved branch
prediction, so this actually worsens performance.
We are investigating ways to improve this. For example, right now our
simulator assigns a penalty of 3 cycles for a branch misprediction. If we
increase this penalty, replacing BRANCHes with GUARDs will look better.
We successfully met our milestone: we have a working simulator.
We have encountered no significant surprises thus far.
Revised Schedule
We still need to accomplish the following things:
Fine-tune the simulator to improve the efficiency of our GUARD
Determine a realistic misprediction penalty for our simulator
Determine how aggressive we should be in converting BRANCH
instructions to GUARD instructions in order to maximize performance
Test the simulator on the provided benchmarks
Write the report
We will both work on each of the tasks described above.
Resources Needed
We have a working simulator and a set of precompiled executables for that
simulator. This should be all the resources we need to complete this