Signups: Signups are closed! email either of the committee chairs prior to 11:59:59 PM, Monday Dec. 13.
Game begins: 1:00 AM, Tuesday Dec. 14. The game is afoot! All participating players will have been emailed assigned targets at that point, and the game will be on.
Game ends: 4:30 PM, Monday Dec. 20.
In addition to dead people not being able to lie, living people may not claim that they were playing but are now dead. (They may, of course, deny playing at all.)
It is also impermissible to claim to be an umpire. That falls under don't-be-an-asshole. :-)
People's dorm rooms, for this game at least, count as residential areas and are not legal places for assassinations to occur.
Exec is not a legal place to assassinate people! Sorry. :-)
There is no rule against assassinations in front of witnesses (in this game). It is merely a bad idea, because another player, if present, could stun the assassin.
Of the original 20 players, 4 remain in the game.
Less than 12 hours remain!
In reverse chronological order, the following could be of interest: