Arator Male Aasimar Lawful Good Paladin 5 STR 14 DEX 10 CON 12 INT 6 WIS 18 CHA 20 XP 15650 HP 39 GP 50 Saves: Fort +10 (4 base, 1 CON, 5 divine grace) Ref + 6 (1 base, 5 divine grace) Will +10 (1 base, 4 WIS, 5 divine grace) Weapon: Long Sword +1 To-hit Damage Long Sword +1 +1 1d8+1 BAB +5 STR +2 +2 ---------------------------------------- +8 1d8+3 AC: base 10 Full Plate +1 +9 Large Metal Sh +2 --------------- 21 Skills: Ranks + AB + Other Diplomacy 6 = 1 + 5 Heal 5 = 1 + 4 Know (rel) 1 = 3 + -2 Listen 6 = 0 + 4 + 2 Ride 3 = 3 Spot 6 = 0 + 4 + 2 Feats: Power Attack Divine Might Other Stuff (non weapons and armour): Pearl of Power (1st) Necklace of Prayer Beads (Blessing) 5fl of Holy Water Phylactry of Faithfulness