Name: Elan Dawnwake Alignment: NG Weight: 172 Height: 5'11" Age: 24 Class (Level): Fighter (7) Race (Gender): Human (Male) Vital Statistics: STR: 16 + 2 (gloves of ogre's strength) DEX: 12 CON: 10 INT: 14 WIS: 10 CHA: 14 HP: 46 Saves: Fortitude: +6 (5 base + 1 resistance) Reflex: +4 (2 base + 1 dexterity + 1 resistance) Will: +3 (2 base + 1 resistance) Combat: AC: 18 (1 dexterity + 7 armor (6 banded mail + 1 enchantment)) greatsword: attack: +13/+8 (7/2 base + 4 strength + 1 focus + 1 enchantment) damage: 2d6+9 slashing (4+4/2 strength + 2 specialization + 1 enchantment) critical: 19-20x2 heavy lance: attack: +11/+6 (7/2 base + 4 strength) damage: 1d8+4 piercing (4 strength) critical: 20x3 reach: 10ft mighty composite longbow (max +4 strength): attack: +8/+3 (7/2 base + 1 dexterity) damage: 1d8+4 piercing (4 strength) critical: 20x3 range increment: 110ft Special: Power Attack: up to base attack from attack to damage Spirited Charge: when charging on horseback, damage x2 melee, x3 lance Expertise: up to five from attack to a dodge bonus to AC Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic Feats: Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Power Attack, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Expertise, Leadership Skills: climb (4 ranks) +7 diplomacy (10/2 ranks) +18 handle animal (7 ranks) +9 jump (4 ranks) +7 knowledge: history (6/2 ranks) +5 ride (10 ranks) +13 (+15 to stay in saddle) search (8/2 ranks) +6 Equipment: +1 greatsword "Anathema" (2350gp) (15lb) CURSED +1 banded mail (1400gp) (35lb) circlet of diplomacy (Lord Morgan's estate) cloak of resistance +1 (Gridley, who got the +3) mighty composite longbow (+4 strength) (Lord Morgan's armory) arrows (38) (2gp) (6lb) CURSED officer's uniform (lieutenant of guards) signet ring (5gp) gloves of ogre strength (+2 strength) (Lord Morgan's armory) ? Darknight-trained heavy warhorse (male) "Tidefell": (700gp) Age: 4 HP 52+ (7HD) AC 14 (19 with chainmail barding) (on hit, Ride check can supplant) STR 18, DEX 13, CON 17, INT 2, WIS 13, CHA 6 0-300 light, 301-600 medium, 601-900 heavy Speed: 50 (35) Attack: 2 hooves +9 (1d6+4); bite +3 (1d4+2) Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3 Equipment: CURSED chainmail barding for Tidefell (600gp) (120lb) military saddle (60gp) (40lb) saddlebags (4gp) (8lb): waterskin (1gp) (4lb empty) silk rope, 100ft (20gp) (10lb) paper, 10 sheets (4gp) sealing wax (1gp) (1lb) 1 potion of cure light wounds (50gp) 79gp, 3sp 4000gp in 8 orihalcon rods party's equipment: longbow (75gp) (3lb) heavy lance (10gp) (10lb) pack saddle (15gp) (20lb): bedroll (1sp) (5lb) blanket (5sp) (3lb) CURSED horse blanket (2gp) (12lb) crowbar (2gp) (5lb) mirror (10gp) (1/2lb) sack of feed (1sp) (1/2lb): 10 days of feed for two animals (5cp/day, 10lb/day) (1gp, 200lb) magic half-plate (Lord Morgan's armory) magic horseshoes (messenger from Blueport)