Avi \accent{E}tale The Fleet-Footed Half-Elf CG Wizard 7 Spec: Trans Banned: Abj, Ill STR 10 DEX 16 +3 CON 12 +1 INT 16 +3 WIS 12 +1 CHA 8 -1 HP 28/20 Attack Bonus: +3 (+6 for missile) AC +3 Dex, +4 Mage Armor, +2 ring Saves: Fort +2 base, +1 CON, +1 circlet = +4 Ref +2 base, +3 DEX, +1 circlet = +6 Will +5 base, +1 WIS, +1 circlet = +7 Owl Familiar, "Souffle": +6 spot (+14 in dusk/darkness), +14 listen, +19 move silently Fly 30 ft Int 9 HP 14/10 AC 21 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural) Size Tiny Init +3 Attk +2 2 Claws 1d4+2 1 Bite 1d6+1 Improved Evasion Skills, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Touch, Speak with Master Feats: Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous, Combat Casting, Extend Spell, Spell Focus (Transmutation), Alertness (when within arms reach of familiar) Skills: Spot +5/+3 (4/2 ranks) Spellcraft +11 (8 ranks) Intuit Direction +2 (2/2 ranks) Move Silently +6 (4/2 ranks + familiar) Listen +4/+2 (2/2 ranks) Ride +4 (2/2 ranks) Concentration +12(7 ranks + Combat Casting) K: geography +5 (2 ranks) K: religion +4 (1 ranks) K: history +5 (2 ranks) K: arcana +11 (8 ranks) K: undead +11 (8 ranks) Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarven, Draconic, Infernal Spells (5/5/5/4/2): Light Detect Magic () Read Magic () Disrupt Undead () Open / Close () Mage Hand () Identify Burning Hands () Mage Armor Mount Jump Sleep Expeditious Retreat () Magic Missile () () () () Web Levitate () Knock Rope Trick () () Mage Armor (Extended) () Haste () Fireball () Lightning Bolt () Fly () Polymorph Self () Polymorph Other () Equipment --------------- 4200 CURSED Cloak of Arachnida (crafted) 4000 4 pearls of power level 1 4000 1 pearls of power level 2 375 1 wand of Mage Armor - 25 charges 8000 +2 Ring of Protection scroll case component pouch secret component pouch spellbook spellbooks from vampire chalk backpack flint & steel waterflask 75' silk rope blanket bedroll paper ink pen, ink CURSED explorer's outfit flask of wine bar of soap 10 days rations 125 ioun stone, continual flame 3 daggers 700 circlet of resistance +1 25 scroll of feather fall 600 6 identify pearls maps 1000 2 orihalcon bars worth 500 gp each 10 gp Shopping Pending : + 4350 A Pearl of Power II, Wand of Invis + 2000 in orihalcon bars - 4050 Metamagic Rod of Enlargement - 1875 Boots of Springing and Striding - 150 Scroll of Eagle's Splendor free? garlic and wooden stakes - 250 (10) vials of holy water 25 gold in change