Name: Enajien (En-AH-je-an) often called Naj (n-ah-J) Age: 180 Race: Spirit folk (Bamboo) Gender: Male Height: 6'1" Class: Samurai/Fighter Level: 2/2 Weight: 152lb Eyes: green Hair: long, black Skin: tan XP: 10566 Next: 10000 Alignment: Neutral Good Languages: Common, Spirit tongue Speed: 30 ft STR: 16 +3 Save Total Base Mod Base 10 DEX: 16 +3 ---- ----- ---- --- Armor +4 CON: 14 +2 FORT +8 +6 +2 Dex +3 INT: 10 +0 REF +3 +0 +3 Shield +1 WIS: 10 +0 WILL +3 +3 +0 CHA: 8 -1 +2 vs spells and spell-like Total 18 with "earth", "rock", "stone" Chk Penalty: -1 or "wood" in the name or connected to one of the above Feats: Initative: +3 Spellfire HPS: 36/36 Cosmopolitan (Concentration) Attack: Base Mod Total Endurance Melee: +4 +3 +7 Weapon Focus(spellfire) Range: +4 +3 +7 Specialization(spellfire) ------------------ Skills: Stat Mod Ranks Misc Total ------- ---- --- ----- ---- ----- Concentration Con +2 7 0 9 Diplomacy Cha -1 1 2 2 Intimidate Cha -1 3 0 2 Know (arcana) Int +0 2.0 0 2 Sense Motive wis +0 5 0 5 Spellcraft Int +0 2.0 0 2 Wilderness lore wis +0 0 2 2 +4 on hide checks in woods or forests Weapons Name Att+ Damage CritRng CritMlt Range Size Type ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Long Sword, mw +8 1d8+3 19-20 x2 ---- M S Spellfire +8 2d6 (+2) 20 x2 400ft - Fire/Energy Reflex save DC 20 for 1/2 Range touch attack or Touch attack 7/Combat ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (4 spellfire used at end of round 1) Special --------- Can ready an action to absorb spells or spell-like with a single target or Can use absorbed spell lvls to give 2 pts of healing or do 1d6 pts of damage touch (range 400 ft, ref dc 20 1/2, 1/2 fire 1/2 energy) Max discharged is 1/2 HD Max can hold is CON score Trackless step: Leave no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked Speak with animals: Can speak with animals once per day for 1 minute (caster lvl 1st) Low-light vision On Enajien --------- Long sword, masterworked CURSED Chain shirt, masterworked CURSED Buckler, masterworked Looks like a bracer, but larger, which comes to a point past the elbow, could have a real bracer under it. The thing is round around arm, and point is gained from turning the round into a semi circle of smaller and smaller size, until a point about 4 inches past elbow. Red color, symbol on it, in spirit tongue, meaning Enajien, explained in history. Spellfire damage recharging item 1 per round of concentration. Looks like normal leather hair tie. Ring of sustenance once per day undetectable aura spell Looks like red head band with symbol on it same as above. Water skin Pouch, belt Flint and steel rations, trail x2 signet ring (crab house) wrist band with scroll case attached. Everburning torch (continual flame spell) on one side. Thus if one side is open works like a flash light, if other side is open like a torch. CURSED Travelers outfit: CURSED Boots leather Black CURSED pants Black CURSED sturdy belt leather Black CURSED shirt Black CURSED jacket leather Red chain shirt under this mends itself when damaged, as per the spell. CURSED glove leather Red right hand --------- Coins: ------ 2 platinum 11 gold