Gridley: Male Human Clr5 Pelor, Healing/Sun STR 10, DEX 10, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 16 Skills: 8 ranks Concentration (+9) 8 ranks Knowledge (religion) (+8) 3 ranks Spellcraft (+3) 1 rank Diplomacy (+4) 1 rank (2 points) Spot (+4) 1 rank (2 points) Listen (+4) HP: 32 (9+6+6+6+6) (33, one max HP drained by negative energy?) Init +4; Spd 20; AC 15 (+4 armor, +1 shield) Saves: Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +7 Attacks +5 (1d8+1, +1 Mace, heavy) +3 (1d4, Dagger, silvered) +3 (1d3, Unarmed) +3 (1d4, Sling) +4 (1d6+1, Sling with Magic Stone, 2d6+2 against undead) +3 (2d4, Holy water (flask)) Feats: Improved Initiative Weapon Focus: Mace, heavy Extra Turning SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +7; Equipment: Heward's Handy Haversack +1 Heavy Mace Sling 20 bullets CURSED Chain Shirt Small wood shield w/Holy Symbol of Pelor Silver Dagger Bedroll Blanket, Winter 6 Candles 4 Pieces of Chalk Flint & Steel Pouch, Belt 3 Rations Rope, Silk, 50' Soap, 1 lb Shovel Torch 2 Waterskins Spell Component Pouch Cleric's Vestmants CURSED Explorers Outfit Everburning Torch Wand of Cure Light Wounds (44 charges) 2 Scrolls of Protection from Evil 1 Scroll each of Divine Favor, Doom, Comprehend Languages, Invisibility to Undead 7 G 5 S 9 C remaining Spells: 0 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance x3 1 - Bless x2, Magic Stone, Sanctuary, Cure Light Wounds (domain) 2 - Aid, Gentle Repose (1 day only, for Elric), Spiritual Weapon (x2 after 1st day), Cure Moderate Wounds (domain) 3 - Remove Curse x2 if that will help with the negative energy bit, otherwise Searing Light x2, Searing Light (domain)