Selket +------+ CG Elf | GOOD | Ranger 4 +------+ STR 14 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 12 WIS 16 CHA 10 HP: 28 AC 16 (+4 mithral shirt, +2 dex) Feats: Improved Favored Enemy, Track (automatic), Point Blank Shot Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5 Attacks: bow +6 1d8+3 20/x3 110ft (+1/+1 vs undead, +1/+1 point blank) flail +6 1d6+2 19-20/x2 Skills: Animal Empathy +8 (5 ranks) Spot +12 (7 ranks) (+2 racial) Listen +12 (7 ranks) (+2 racial) Handle Animal +6 (3 ranks) Hide +5 (3 ranks) Intuit Direction +5 (2 ranks) Wilderness Lore +8 (5 ranks) Move Silently +4 (2 ranks) Knowledge (Nature) +2 (1 rank) Spell: Speak with Animals Equipment +1 Mighty Composite Longbow (STR +2) 120 Arrows Light Flail CURSED Cloak of Resistance +1 Short Sword CURSED Mithral Shirt Backpack CURSED Explorers outfit Flint & Steel Holly & Mistletoe Belt Pouch Ration Waterskin Spell Component Pouch Potion of Hiding Potion of Sneaking 10 lbs of meat 2 Potion of Cure Light Wounds 2 Scrolls of Magic Fang 1 Scroll of Entangle 1 Lapis Lazuli gem (10 gold) 239 G 5 S remaining Animal Companions Turkey Vulture (name: Big Red, Raven stats)