Jade Female Halfling Chaotic Good Rogue 2 / Bard 2 STR 10 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 16 WIS 12 CHA 18 XP 6000 HP 16 GP 10 Saves: Fort + 1 (0 base, 1 Halfling) Ref + 9 (6 base, 2 DEX, 1 Halfling) Will + 5 (3 base, 1 WIS, 1 Halfling) Weapon: Masterwork Small Rapier base +2 mastework +1 ------------------------------- +3 1d4 AC: base 10 dex +2 size +1 ------------------------------- 13 Skills: Ranks + AB + Other Bluff 11 = 7 4 Climb 2 = 0 2 Craft (MI) 4 = 1 3 Diplomacy 17 = 7 4 6 Forgery 8 = 5 3 Gather In 6 = 4 2 Hide 21 = 5 2 14 Innuendo 10 = 7 1 2 Intimidate 6 = 4 2 Jump 14 = 14 Listen 3 = 1 2 Move Silen 11 = 7 2 2 Perform 11 = 7 4 (2 w/ flute) Pick Pock 9 = 5 2 2 Read Lips 5 = 2 3 Sense Moti 8 = 5 1 Spot 1 = 0 1 Tumble 7 = 5 2 Feats: (song and silence) Dash (+5 base move speed while in light or no armour) Trustworthy (+2 gather info and diplomacy) Other Stuff (non weapons and armour): Boots of Striding and Springing Cloak of Elvenkind Entertainer's Outfit In Backpack: Flute, Masterwork (crafted) Artisan's Tools, Masterwork (craft MI) Climber's Kit, 50ft Silk Rope, Grappling Hook Cortier's Outfit plus Jewelry Everburning Torch Disguise Kit Waterskin (Fine Wine) Chalk, Ink, Inkpens, Paper, Sealing Wax Forged Signet Rings (Merchant's guild, craftman's guild, sheriff) Perform: Dancing, Exotic Dancing, Flute, Harp, Juggling, Harp, Singing Spells: 0th: Daze, Ghost Sound, Open / Close, Prestidigitation, Resistance 1st: Mage Armour, Hypnotism