Name - Torin the Fierce Barbarian Level 1 / Druid Level 3 Str 12 +1 / +3 Race Human Dex 16 +3 Alignment NG Con 16 +3 / +5 Int 11 Wis 14 +2 Chr 12 +1 AC +3 Dex + 4 Hide + 3 shield = + 10 +3 Barkskin, -2 Rage = + 11 HP 8 + 2d8 + 1d12 + 9 = 36 (36) + 8 Rage = 44 (44) Base Attack +3 Scimitar - +1/3 str + 1 mast = +5 / 7 Sling - +3 dex + 1 mast = +7 Movement 40 ft - 30 ft with armor Saves Base Ability Other Total Fort +5 +3 / 5 +8 / 10 Ref +1 +3 +4 Will +3 +2 / 4 +5 / 7 Hide Armor -1 for applicable skills Skill points Ranks Ability Other Total Barbarian 5 (4+1) Ride 5 +3 +2 +10 Druid 30 (4*4+4+2*5) Animal Empathy 7 +1 +8 Concentration 7 +3 +10 Knowledge Nature 2 +2 Wilderness Lore 7 +2 +9 Handle Animal 7 +1 +2 +10 Spot +2 +2 +4 Listen +2 +2 +4 Feats Alertness, Endurance (+4 extended time checks), Extra rage (+2 rage/day) Special Nature Sense, animal companion, woodland stride, trackless step Rage () () () Duration - 8 rounds Companion - Reason, Wolverine HP 33 (33) / 39 (39) Rage mv - 30ft, burrow 10 ft, climb 10 ft AC 15 (2 nat, 3 dex) / 13 Rage Attks 2 claws + 4 / +6, 1 bite - 1 / +1 Claw 1d4+2/4, Bite 1d4+1/3 Fort +7/9, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 14/18, Dex 16, Con 19/23, Int 3, Wis 12, Chr 10 Attack (unnatural), Accept Mount, Accept Saddle, Calm, Come, Guard, Stay, Track Climb +15, Listen +6, Spot +6 Rage, Scent Collar of the North - continual endure elements (heat) Spells 4/2/1 + 0/1/1 = 4/3/2 Animal Trick * Create Water 2 gallons/lvl water, Close Cure Minor Wounds 1 hp Darkseed Slowly kills plants * Dawn Awakens sleeping creatures 15' radius Daze Animal Animal loses 1 action Detect Magic detect spells, items, Close, Concen (1 min/lvl) Detect Poison 1 creature, object, Close Flare Close, -1 attk, 1 min * Fire Eyes See c/o natural fire, smoke, fog 10 min/lvl Guidance +1 to one roll, throw or check Know Direction discern north Light object shines like a torch Mending minor repairs on an object Purify Food and Drink 1 cu ft/lvl food or water Read Magic Read scrolls, spellbooks * Resistance +1 saving throws, 1 min Scarecrow Animal becomes shaken Virtue 1 tmp hp Animal Friendship Permanent animal companions, Close Calm Animals Calms 2d4+1/lvl HD animals, (mag) beasts, Close, 1 min/lvl Camouflage +10 Hide Cure Light Wounds 1d8+1/lvl (max +5) Detect Animals,Plants Long, Concentration (10 min/lvl) Detect Snares, Pits Endure Elements Ignore 5 dmg/rnd from 1 energy type, Touch, 24 hrs Entangle Plants entangle in 40 ft radius, Long, 1 min/lvl Faerie Fire Cancels blur, concealment etc, Long, 5 ft rad, 1 min/lvl * Goodberry 2d4 berries each cure 1 hp (max 8/24 hrs), 1 day/lvl Hawkeye +50% range increments, +5 Spot Invisibility to Animals 10 min/lvl, 1 creature/lvl Touch * Magic Fang Natural weapon gets +1 bonus to attk/dmg Obscuring Mist Fog surrounds self Pass w/o Trace 1 subject/lvl no tracks Power Sight Determines creatures HD,level Regenerate Light Wounds 1 hp/rnd, 10 rnds + 1 rnd/lvl Sandblast Brief sandstorm * Shillelagh Cudgel,quarterstaff -> +1 weapon, 1d10 dmg, 1 min/lvl Summon Nature's Ally 1 rnd/lvl Wood Wose Minor nature spirit, 1 hr/lvl Adrenaline Surge Summoned creatures +4 Str Animal Messenger Tiny animal to specific place, Close, 1 day/lvl Animal Reduction Animal shrinks in size Animal Trance Fascinates 2d6 HD animals, Close, Concen * Barkskin +3 AC natural, Touch, 10 min/lvl Body of the Sun Fire, light extend 5' from body, 1d4+1 dmg, 1 rnd/lvl Briar Web As entangle but causes dmg Charm Person/Animal Close, 1 hr/lvl Chill Metal Close, 7 rnds - 0/1d4/2d4/1d4/0 Creeping Cold 1d6/rnd cold dmg Decomposition Wounded creatures suffer extra 1 hp/rnd Delay Poison No poison effects for 1 hr/lvl, Touch Fire Trap Opened object deals 1d4+1/lvl, Permanent * Flame Blade Touch attk deals 1d8+1/2 lvls Flaming Sphere Rolling ball of fire, 2d6 dmg, Medium, 3' rad, 1 rnd/lvl Green Blockage Wall of vegatable matter Heat Metal Close, 7 rnds - 1: 0/2:1d4/3,4,5:2d4/6:1d4/7:0 Hold Animal Medium, 1 rnd/lvl Lesser Restoration Dispels magic ability pen or 1d4 ability dmg Might of the Oak +4 Str, -2 Dex 10 min/lvl Persistence of Waves +4 Con, -2 Str 10 min/lvl Produce Flame 1d4+1/2 lvls touch or thrown Regenerate Mod Wounds 2 hp/rnd Resist Elements Ignore 12 dmg/rnd 1 energy type, 1 min/lvl Soften Earth Stone->clay, dirt->sand,mud Speak w/ Animals 1 min/lvl Speed of Wind +4 Dex, -2 Con Summon Nature's Ally II 1 rnd/lvl Summon Swarm 5' diam of creatures, 1d4 + 1/3 clvls, Close, Concen + 2 rnds Sweet Water Creates well up to 100 ft deep to water source, 10' diam, Long Tree Shape Resemble tree 1 hr/lvl Warp Wood Wood Shape Rearranges wooden objects Equipment Cost Weight Item 1265 10 Lightweight Hide Armor +1 (sleep in) 1257 5 Darkwood Shield + 1, left arm 2 Backpack (Fire Trapped) 2 25' silk rope Flint and Steel Wineskin (backpack) 3 scroll cases (Fire Trapped) 2 wooden stakes (backpack) Druidic clothing (worn) Holly and Mistletoe Spell Components pouch (belt) 3 3 days rations 90 Continual Flame bracelet right arm 50 2 flasks Holy Water 300 Masterwork Sling 1d4, crit x2, 50' rng inc 10 20 bullets 5 2 5 silvered bullets 325 4 Masterwork Scimitar, belt, 1d6+1/3, crit 18-20x3 : 3 Club, belt, 1d6+1/3, 10' rng inc 10 gp 2100 Collar of the North Expands to fit creature. Ignore 5 dmg/rnd heat dmg.