Space Invaders
This is the original version of this game. For an easier version, go here. For the Skip Gain version,
go here.
Features of this game:
- As you hit aliens, they disappear and you score points.
- You may stop and start the game in the middle.
- To improve game play, the missile model switched from the "limited
number of missiles" model to the "limited number of missiles in air"
model. Instead of 60 disposable missiles, you get 3 reusable ones.
- There are four new Alien types:
- ShieldedAlien cannot be killed by a hit from below.
- ArmoredAlien cannot be killed by a hit on the side.
- TinyAlien flies in circles to dodge your fire. (Sort of an evil
alien housefly... Sort of...)
- ShootingAlien shoots back.
- Two of the original types have also been changed:
- DieHardAlien (green) regenerates if damaged but not killed.
- ExtraAmmunitionAlien (red) gives one extra reusable
missile (instead of five disposable ones) when hit. Note also that the
army continues to move whilst the ExtraAmmunitionAlien blinks.
- Some aliens are more likely to appear in some places than others.
- As in the original game, flying saucers periodically fly overhead.
These are worth 500 bonus points if hit.
- There are a total of three waves of aliens, each distinctly different
from the last. The third is by far the most interesting. And just to
make it interesting, each wave attacks *before* the previous wave is
- Reload this page to play again.
Whilst waiting for the game to load, read the registration
information below...
Upgrade to the registered version for the following improvements:
Two-player head-to-head capacity!
Three-dimensional, first-person-perspective interface, with a
full 360 degrees of motion!
Three exciting new weapons, including the dreaded "cuisinart
A total of 50 waves of play, including two more secret levels!
(What? You mean you haven't found the first one yet?) ;)
Hyperspace travel! Anti-gravity packaging! Holographic
Have fun with the game...
Web page created by Dan Blandford