School: Apartment 212
5562 Hobart Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
dleeds at andrew dot Carnegie Mellon University dot edu

Carnegie Mellon University: Pittsburgh, PA
Candidate for Ph.D. in Neural Computation, June 2012.
M.Sc., Robotics, January 2010
Relevant Courses: Computer Vision; Computational Perception; Computational Neuroscience; Optimization
Massachusetts Institue of Technology Cambridge, MA
M.Eng., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), June 2006, GPA: 4.8
S.B., EECS, June 2005, GPA: 4.8
Relevant Courses: Biomedical Signal and Image Processing; Machine Learning; Introduction to Communications, Controls, and Signal Processing; Signals and Systems; Probabilistic Systems Analysis; Computer System Analysis; Microcomputer Project Laboratory; Laboratory in Software Engineering; Introduction to Algorithms; Circuits and Electronics; Differential Equations; Linear Algebra; Physics (Classical Mechanics); Physics (Electricity and Magnetism); Psychology; Biology
Carnegie Mellon University: Tarr Lab Pittsburgh, PA
January 2010 - Present. Graduate Student.
Working on models of object recognition in the brain, incorporating work in computer vision and machine learning. Developing methods to determine fMRI voxel-based selectivities in the later stages of ventral stream vision pathway.
Carnegie Mellon University: Laboratory for Computational Perception Pittsburgh, PA
September 2006 - January 2010. Graduate Student.
Working on hierarchial encoding of acoustic signals for acoustic object recognition. Developing algorithms to learn non-linear, stochastic structure in spike codes developed by Smith and Lewicki.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) Cambridge, MA
January 2004 - June 2006. Researcher.
Collaborated with professor in CSAIL and physicians at the Massachusetts General Hospital and a Department of Veterans Affairs Hospital to create software to help diagnose valvular defects from heart sounds. Tested methods for feature extraction and representation to give intuitive visualizations of acoustic data. Noted accuracy of medical practitioners' diagnoses with and without computer aids.
New York University: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York, NY
June 2003 - August 2003. Technical Assistant. Collaborated with professor in Secure Computer Systems Group to design a high-speed implementation of UMAC (a message authentication code) that will not be affected by the endian-type of the local machine. Developed structures to enhance REX, a program for remote login to SFS, to enable seamless resumption of interrupted sessions.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Media Laboratory Cambridge, MA
January 2003 - May 2003. Researcher.
Collaborated with graduate student to improve isolation and analysis of human voices in recorded conversations in order to model interactions in a work group.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Research Laboratory of Electronics Cambridge, MA
March 2002 - August 2003. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Student.
Collaborated with other scientists preparing data from a study on human speech production for statistical analysis; formulated novel method of formant extraction; worked on planned comparisons among acoustic and kinematic parameters as well as among speech conditions. Assisted in preparation of grant proposal. Provided ideas on final analyses over the Summer of 2003.
Rockefeller University: Laboratory of Mathematical Physics New York, NY
June 2000 - August 2001. Outreach Student.
Collaborated with post-doctoral research associate to perform innovative research on Zebra Finch communication, revealing structure of language recognition, significant in the development of artificial intelligence. Results were presented internationally and recognized in Intel Science Talent Search.
Collaborated with post-doctoral fellow and others to reveal structure in neural activity in a manner feasible for characterization by differential equations. Developed imaging and data processing software of significant utility in ongoing project.
Negotiated transitions in personal work environment among evolving laboratories at institution.
Polytechnic University: Department of Mechanical Engineering Brooklyn, NY
July - August 1999. Summer Institute Student. Collaborated with graduate student to improve operation of an active autonomous solar radiation tracking and acquisition unit.
Z Syed, D Leeds, D Curtis, J Guttag, "Audio-visual tools for computer-assisted diagnosis of cardiac disorders," Computer Based Medical Systems 2006, June 2006.
Z Syed, D Leeds, D Curtis, F Nesta, RA Levine, and J Guttag, "A framework for the analysis of acoustical cardiac signals," accepted by IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
Principles of Programming Languages (CMU): Fall 2007 Teaching assistant
Computation Structures (MIT): Spring 2006 Teaching assistant
Artificial Intelligence: Support Vector Machines; Neural Networks, Self-Organizing Maps; Principal/Independent Component Analysis
Signal Processing: Fourier Analysis, Linear Prediction; Wavelet Analysis; functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI); Statistical Analysis; Circuit Design; Control Systems
Programming: JAVA, C, C++, Scheme, Pascal, BASIC, MPI, Perl, HTML, Assembly.
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow: Awarded in 2006
Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society): Granted membership in February 2004
Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society): Granted membership in April 2004; June 2005 - May 2006 Big Sibs Program Chair; November 2003 - May 2006 Big Sibs Program Administrator and participant (matched upper classmen with freshmen "little sibs;" arranged group activities; informed my own little sib of the opportunities available in the MIT EECS Department; acted as guide in selecting courses and extra-curricular activities).
EECS Associate Advising: September 2005 - May 2006 Assisted faculty member new to advising; helped answer sophomores' academic questions.
Freshman Advising Seminar: August 2002 - June 2003 Associate Advisor. Advised freshmen on academic and social concerns. Recommended revisions to curriculum and collaborated with staff to organize seminar discussions.
The Tech (MIT newspaper): January 2001 - June 2004 Technology staff. Responsibilities included archiving current issues to the Internet, maintaining hardware, and systems management.
Intel Science Talent Search Semifinalist: Awarded in 2001
Lucent Global Science Scholars Program Finalist: Awarded in 2001

Last updated: January 16, 2007; 10:17