Open anonymously and the unanonymous OneList

---CS--- at *****CMU***** and a local events calendar and the Monarch Pages and the CMU Facilities page and the movies page

Palo Alto Movies

zephry search (cmu access only) and the Mirriam Webster dictionary service

Dilbert archive or The Modern World or Houston Chronicle Comics and My Comics Page (append &date=1999/9/29 for particular date) or the Foxtrot archive and, of course, Tom Toles and User Friendly comic strip

My schedule, CMU's 96-97 calendar. My exported home page. Records of interesting documents.

Fax server(remote printing service) (old link)

TOM including John Okerbloom's document conversion service (take any format to any format)

working draft of collaborative filtering records

Datek login and MSDW Online (discover brokerage)

PAT schedules

CMU library main page and INSPEC entry point and WebCAT - Cameo The (dumb, annoying, and hard to use) CMU library search engine Caroline The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh search page

Search Engines

Encyclopedia Britannica (CMU only) also the Britannica Online

PittCat U of Pitt card catalog (or recommended: and then select PITTCAT)

Google search and Alta Vista Index and their expert interface. Lycos

DejaNews netnews search engine

Yahoo - their reverse phonebook

Adress and Zip code locator from the US Post Office

National Telephone White Pages at Four11 Whitepages(more complete and up-to-date). Find physical location based on search of phone number prefix (select ``begins with)

The Washington University archives a great place for MSDOS/windows software and other random things

IBM's Patent Search Engine or an alternate

TV listings

Lyric server

Internic WHOIS

News and Policy sources

General News: Yahoo News (reuters), CNN front page and my CNN custom page

New York Times front page. In low graphics The NY Times ascii or front summary

NPR hourly update (real audio file) and my customized issue. The site is particularily useful for its stock quotes with my portfolioor go straight to the source for NASDAQ stock listings also check out BusinessWire for penny stocks reports.

Slate newsletter

THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet Most excellent - basically a searchable copy of the Federal Register with full text of all bills & amendments and tracking of floor action. See also LawCrawler legal index

Tech News: News Bytes (, CNet computer news NCWorld magazine

First Monday journal on Internet and Information Infrastructure

Maps and Weather

World wide travel info and maps

The uber Map for finding maps site that lists all sorts of cartographic information. The older verision Oden's Map Bookmarks that just lists the maps (easier to use???).

UICC 6-panel latest

MapsOnUs by Lucent. Yahoo Street Locator Give it a street address and it gives you a map with an X-marks-the-spot. Also MapMaker

Weather Maps

The Weather Channel weather. text-only and winds at altitude. Weather Channel Home Page

USA today forcasts

NBC Intellicast providing weather forcasts for US cities

Michigan State Uni weather page

Current Surface Conditions (the old, good weather map sytle (see also weathermap -wm -usa)

Distance server

Earth Viewer

Science Reference and Education

Course notes for ``Introduction to Statistics for the Biomedical Sciences '' by A. J. Rossini and Dan Heitjan. In particular, numerical summaries of data.

Eric Weisstein's amazing Treasure Trove of Science along with lots of other good links

Page with links to OO Numerics and other libaries here

The Data Analysis Briefbook Useful definitions, concepts and terms for data analysis

Educational resources newspapers, musems, government sites, weather definitions of terms with links to other sites with examples.

Commercial Services

CNet computer price comparisons

My AT+T Online Account


Quantum Books and online bookstores Powells Out of Print bookstore. Barnes & Noble

Focus Camera

American Science and Surplus


Firefly (dead?) Patty Maes' and Co. music and video recommendation system (dead?) Noteworthy (dead?) music catalog (dead?)



People at CMU this summer

Pictures from Spring Break 1999 Climbing Trip to Joshua Tree, Tahquitz and Suicide that I went on. Photos by Luke Sosnowski.

Doug Luce's local climber's page

Positive Resoles though Jules have moved to Red Rock Resole which is now what I'd recommend -- The Canadian Rockies Climbing Guide -- SF South Bay climbing -- Castle Rock -- Pittsburgh Area Climbs by Tim Anderson.

The Climbing Wall at the climbing page.

Adventurous Travel Bookstore

The Mountain Gallery A beautiful collection of pictures from all different sorts of moutaineering.

Phil Sidel's climbing trip reports

New England Bouldering for info on Tibet travel