Attention: This is the 2005 workshop webpage. For YRRSDS 2006 click here
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The Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken
Dialog Systems is a workshop designed for students, post
docs, and junior researchers working in applied spoken dialog systems
research. The roundtable will provide an open forum where participants
can discuss their research interests, current work and future
plans. We hope the workshop format (see below) will foster creative
thinking about current issues in spoken dialog systems research, and
help create a stronger international network of young researchers
working in the field.
This workshop is an ISCA event held on September the 1st, 2005, at the Centro
Cultural de Belém (the same venue as Interspeech 2005) in Lisbon, Portugal in conjunction with
Workshop Format |
The workshop will be held as a full-day event, consisting of multiple small-group discussions.
The day will start with a one-hour introductory session, during which participants will briefly introduce themselves and their research. Next, depending on the number of participants, there will be two or three parallel discussion sessions in the morning
segment, and again in the afternoon. At the end of the each segment, all participants will reconvene and present the conclusions from their discussions.
The topics for the discussion sessions will be chosen based on interests expressed during the submission process. Potential topics include:
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What are best practices for conducting and evaluating user
studies of spoken dialog systems? |
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How can the user be made aware of the capabilities and
limitations of a spoken dialog system? |
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What are best practices for rapidly deploying dialog systems
in the real world? |
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Spoken dialog systems and robots: what are the issues and
challenges? |
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What skills must a dialog agent have to be able to engage in a
multi-participant conversation? |
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Where can spoken dialog systems have a significant impact in
the world? |
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What are the resources needed to support standardized
comparative evaluations of spoken dialog system technologies? |
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Should human-computer communication mimic human-human
communication? |
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How can a dialog system learn from its own experience
automatically? |
Sponsors and Endorsements |
The Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialog Systems is an ISCA-sponsored event. The workshop has received endorsements from ISCA, Interspeech-2005, and SIGdial.

Workshop Committees |
The workshop is organized by the
student-run “Dialogs on
Dialogs” reading group.
Organizing Committee |
Satanjeev Banerjee, Carnegie Mellon University |
Bohus, Carnegie Mellon University |
Ellen Campana, University of Rochester |
Stephen Choularton, Macquarie University, Australia |
Antoine Raux, Carnegie Mellon University |
Stefanie Tomko, Carnegie Mellon University |
Jason Williams, Cambridge University, UK |
Advisory Committee |
Gregory Aist, University of Rochester, USA |
Black, Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Chih-yu Chao, Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Grace Chung, CNRI, USA |
Robert Dale, Macquarie University, Australia |
Matthias Denecke, NTT, Japan |
Genevieve Gorrell, Linköping University, Sweden |
Gruenstein, MIT, USA |
Thomas Harris, Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Kristiina Jokinen, University of Helsinki, Finland |
Michael Kipp, DFKI, Germany |
Jeongwoo Ko, Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Kazunori Komatani, Kyoto University, Japan |
Staffan Larsson, Göteborg University, Sweden |
Akinobu Lee, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan |
Oliver Lemon, Edinburgh University, UK |
Masafumi Nishida, Chiba University, Japan |
Paek, Microsoft Research, USA |
Alexander Rudnicky, Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Gabriel Skantze, KTH, Sweden |
Kishore Sunkeshwari Prahallad, International Institute of
Information Technology, India |
Swerts, Tilburg University, The Netherlands |
Young, Cambridge University, UK |