Dong Zhou


I am a third-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Prof. David G. Andersen. I came here after my undergraduate studies in the Special Pilot CS Class supervised by Prof. Andrew Yao at Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Tsinghua University.

My current research interests are in building resource-efficient, high-performance software systems and network componenets, through algorithmic improvements and principled engieering.


  • Email:
  • Office: GHC 9002



  • Scaling Up Clustered Network Appliances with ScaleBricks
    Dong Zhou, Bin Fan, Hyeontaek Lim, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky, Michael D. Mitzenmacher, Ren Wang, Ajaypal Singh.
    SIGCOMM 2015.

  • Raising the bar for using GPUs in software packet processing
    Anuj Kalia, Dong Zhou, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen.
    NSDI 2015.

  • Rex: Replication at the Speed of Multicore
    Zhenyu Guo, Chuntao Hong, Mao Yang, Dong Zhou, Lidong Zhou, Li Zhuang.
    EuroSys 2014.

  • Scalable, High Performance Ethernet Forwarding with CuckooSwitch. (Nominated for the best paper award.) [PDF]
    Dong Zhou, Bin Fan, Hyeontaek Lim, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen.
    CoNEXT 2013.

  • Space-Efficient, High-Performance Rank & Select Structures on Uncompressed Bit Sequences. [PDF]
    Dong Zhou, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky.
    SEA 2013.

  • KuaFu: Closing the Parallelism Gap in Database Replication. [PDF]
    Chuntao Hong, Dong Zhou, Mao Yang, Carbo Kuo, Lintao Zhang, Lidong Zhou.
    ICDE 2013.

  • Software Fault Isolation with API Integirty and Multi-Principal Modules. [PDF]
    Yandong Mao, Haogang Chen, Dong Zhou, Xi Wang, Nickolai Zeldovich, M. Frans Kaashoek.
    SOSP 2011.

  • G2: A Graph Processing System for Diagnosing Distributed Systems. [PDF]
    Zhenyu Guo, Dong Zhou, Haoxiang Lin, Mao Yang, Fan Long, Chaoqiang Deng, Changshu Liu, Lidong Zhou.
    USENIX ATC 2011.


  • When Cycles are Cheap, Some Tables Can Be Huge. [PDF]
    Bin Fan, Dong Zhou, Hyeontaek Lim, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen.
    HotOS XIV.

  • Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities: State-of-the-art Defenses and Open Problems. [PDF]
    Haogang Chen, Yandong Mao, Xi Wang, Dong Zhou, Nickolai Zeldovich, M. Frans Kaashoek.
    APSys 2011.